Feet apart again?

Feet apart again?

Postby h.harb » Sun Oct 23, 2016 7:57 am


Some of this, tongue in cheek! Can't these work cup winners get it right and widen their stance? Imagine how much better they would ski? Sure this is not as tight a stance as you want in GS all the time, obviously. However; when I watched Lara's run, there were two things that stood out immediately to me, she changed her skiing. Now, it may not last, for the whole season, but at least on this hill she did the right thing in her preparation. Not rocket science either. She narrowed her stance and she stood on the outside ski, and kept the inside ski light or off the snow in many situations. This requires a focus and training, emphasis, it's not that natural even for the top skiers. Gut last season was leaning around and two footed, with a wide stance and it sure didn't work. The wider your stance, the easier it is to put your inside foot down and weight it. Which as a result allows you to lean, because you don't sense the consequences with that inside foot wide and down.

These are basic mistakes and we can't seem to recognize them, not either USSA or PSIA can, in the USA. In fact, PSIA, which the now the technical foundation for USSA coaching, advocates a wide, two footed stance. Clearly USSA doesn't know it's important enough, because the "Skills Quest" thing is much more effective, ya, right! If USSA has to go to PSIA to get their technical understanding. US Skiing is in some deep shit.
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Re: Feet apart again?

Postby theorist » Sun Oct 23, 2016 11:24 am

I noticed Eva-Maria Brem certainly underperformed relative to the last two seasons, when she finished 2nd (2015) and 1st (2016) in the overall GS standings. IIRC she was in Fischer boots for both of those years, while this season she's switched to the Dalbello DRS World Cup as part of her renewed contract with Marker-Volkl. Have they not yet managed to figure out her alignment in the new boots? Can you comment on her current setup in the Dalbellos vs. her previous one in the Fischers?
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Re: Feet apart again?

Postby h.harb » Thu Oct 27, 2016 5:47 am

Dalbello can't explain what happened to her in this race, she was fastest in all the training. I just talked to one of the Delbello reps, he said her boot tech quit right after the race, so we don't know what happened.
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Re: Feet apart again?

Postby skijim13 » Thu Oct 27, 2016 7:49 am

The narrow stance makes sense from basis physics of a object in motion which requires balance on the outside ski. Using a narrow stance has improved my skiing a narrow stance in crud conditions like we have in the Northeast is a lifesaver. However with the steer you legs and don't counterbalance moves that the PSIA uses it would result in them falling since they don't have the inside ski to lean on and use for their balance, since their turns look more like a golf cart then a motercycle.
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Re: Feet apart again?

Postby h.harb » Sat Oct 29, 2016 11:24 am

That's right!
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