Hard lesson from the field

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Hard lesson from the field

Postby -- SCSA » Thu Mar 25, 2004 12:19 pm


A couple weeks ago at the Beav, I stopped by an employee for a safety violation. I rednecked on him bigtime and blew my cool.

The employee reported the incident to his supervisor who then made the decision to take my pass for the remainder of the 03/04 season. I was lucky, that I didn't lose it for longer. I was removed from the mountain by security and ski patrol in front of friends, business associates and neighbors. It was only due to the security officer being understanding, that I wasn't lead off the hill in handcuffs. I apologize to any employees or guests that were involved or who were witnessing me losing my cool.

Rednecking on the employee was wrong and the worst possible way to handle the matter. Had I not gone redneck, I'd still have my pass. Instead, my rednecking cost me my pass. Needless to say, I wish I could go back to that moment.

Employees of ski areas, have the right to take your pass for safety violations and misconduct, to name some. Please take a few moments and read your pass agreement.

Employees of ski areas should be treated with dignity and respect. All skiers are to abide by the rules of their pass agreement or lift ticket. If at anytime you do have a disagreement with a ski area employee, I would recommend you contact their office and explain to them your disagreement. Arguing with ski area employees, or employees of any business, is the worst possible way to handle a disagreement.


Postby Ott Gangl » Thu Mar 25, 2004 1:28 pm

SCSA, it is repeated behaviour like this that got you kicked off epicski, when will you learn you can't go through life blowing your stack and not suffer the consequences, no matter how passionate you feel about the subject.

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Postby Hunter » Thu Mar 25, 2004 4:38 pm

Does not sound suprising.
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Postby milesb » Thu Mar 25, 2004 5:33 pm

Heh, so does this mean you are going to come to Mammoth for spring skiing? :D
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I'll go to mammoth again

Postby John Mason » Thu Mar 25, 2004 7:41 pm

I'm already freaking - it's way too warm out!

SCSA - so what exactly are we NOT supposed to do on the hill? Besides yell and lose our cool? (pm me if you'd like - just curious)

I was at Winterpark last weekend and saw a person on a trails/merge green off a blue, just bomb as fast as he could right past a ski patroller. The ski patroller yelled at him to slow down and the guy just tightened his tuck.

Wrong ski patroller - that patroller was right up to speed in a flash and followed the guy as he turned left but was running out of mountain.

I would be very surprised if this fellow didn't get banned.
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Re: I'll go to mammoth again

Postby Guest » Fri Mar 26, 2004 7:11 am

John Mason wrote:
SCSA - so what exactly are we NOT supposed to do on the hill? Besides yell and lose our cool?

I'd like to hear this as well. BTW, Ott's right and I'm sure you understand that when you're in your calm state.

BTW Ott, you're on your way to being the voice of reason over here as well. I always enjoy your posts at Epic.

Postby -- SCSA » Fri Mar 26, 2004 12:35 pm

Hi Ott,

There's only so many times I can get by with "Sorry, just jokin." Or, getting people pissed then going, "What's wrong? Cantcha take a joke?"

I get by great, with those that know me. I have employees that have been with me for years. No one understands the value of employees more than I.

It's f'ing embarassing.

Actions speak louder than words, nuff said.

Miles. I just might take you up on that! :)

Postby -- SCSA » Fri Mar 26, 2004 12:36 pm

Hi John,

What's the old saying?
"Do unto others as they would do unto you?" Sumpin like that. Does that answer your question?

Postby -- SCSA » Fri Mar 26, 2004 12:45 pm

I'll add this, too.

A person can't live life going on like, "I'm the man, who the f are you?" Or going, "I live by my rules, not someone else's." It aint right, it aint cool.

There's probably only 2 events in life that would have caused me to go, "Wait a minute SCSA, you need to take a look."

1) Losing my wife
2) Losing my pass

I'm just thankful it wasn't #1.

The Golden Rule

Postby John Mason » Fri Mar 26, 2004 11:41 pm

SCSA said:

"What's the old saying?
"Do unto others as they would do unto you?" Sumpin like that. Does that answer your question?"

I've always been a bit confused about the Golden Rule. Whenever my brother hit me growing up (which was often), I just assumed he was following the Golden Rule so I hit him back (but just a tad harder).

See you May 1st I hope. Will there be snow? I know May 1st is still early for A-basin most years.
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Postby -- SCSA » Sat Mar 27, 2004 2:32 pm

John Mason makes a funny! :lol:

Hi John!
The snow is looking iffy, but as long as there's at least one run to go down, you can count on me being there. But it is Spring, so the protocol for me is a little different. I don't want to scare you off (I seem to do that, ya know :wink: ), so here's what you'll be faced with,when making turnz with yours truly on 1st day in May. I know it's ugly, but after consulting with my lawyer Iron Legs, I was advised to post my agenda.

Ski 2 runs, drink 2 beers.
Ski 2 runs, drink 2 beers.
Ski 1 run, drink 2 or 3 beers.
Ski 1 run, pull out lounge chair, assume gaper position. Proceed to drink more beers.

Call for taxi. :lol:

Does this work for you?

Postby milesb » Sat Mar 27, 2004 2:45 pm

You missed the pre-ski beer.
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Postby -- SCSA » Sat Mar 27, 2004 3:17 pm


Right! Can't forget the all important pre-ski beer(s?). :lol:
Off to the ranch, cheers!

Postby Guest2 » Sat Mar 27, 2004 8:17 pm

It is said:

You can't just drink beer all day.
(unless you start early!)


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