Low standards

PMTS Forum

Low standards

Postby Harald » Tue Apr 20, 2004 6:29 pm

Most instructors can't tell the difference between a wedge turn and a parallel turn. Ready to take a lesson?

I had this experience lately with a PSIA instructor who came for a ski lesson. Nice guy, great person, sincerely trying to be helpful, but his education about skiing was so poor that I suggested he wait and discover skiin, before he taught again.

This is not an isolated situation. I know it sounds like alien abduction, no one wants to believe it, but it's true.

New standards of ski instruction need to be applied to instructors. Think about it, what if this was (your life) surgery? They are out there. You won't know, until it?s too late. I?m not being flippant, this is serious. I know thousands of skiers who say that about ski lessons they have received. PMTS standards for certification/accreditation are much more stringent for those very reasons. We will not be denied as long as skiers want better and they deserve better.

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