Wedge note

PMTS Forum

Postby Bluey » Sun Apr 25, 2004 2:26 pm

........just want to add my 2 cents worth here between you Goliaths.......

As a relatively new skier, I agree with Otto that I would want to learn the wedge, as a defensive skill, if I was just starting out.....I don't care what type of wedge....just any simple wedge, just so I would have some means of defense if I unintentionally found myself on a slope or narrow track where I felt out of my depth.......but I would not want to learn the wedge as a means of progessing to higher levels of turns.........

PMTS works extremely well if you have good alignment and good balance, especially being able to stay balanced in a one-footed position/stance.

For 4 out of 5 skiers who are starting out ....this is not the case.....

Also some new skiers lack confidence (or else have a false sense of confidence) for those lacking confidence and for those who are afraid to "let go" and don't enjoy speed...... for this latter group to have the fun that they are looking for in their initial forays onto the slopes, than Otto is right, using the wedge is a real blessing........once the confidence builds and the balancing skills increase than the higher levels of turns can become the next goal........ (and importantly, once any alignment issues are sorted out).

Ottos right about having fun......... I've had a ball getting to where I am today...I wish I had found PMTS earlier as it would have made the task more fun, easier and less frustrating........

Anyway I guess most of the above is kinda obvious I'll drop out now and let you lot get back to sluggging it out........

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