Recommended wheel replacement for carvers.

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Recommended wheel replacement for carvers.

Postby piggyslayer » Thu May 13, 2004 1:02 pm

Recommended wheel replacement for carvers.

My pro model came with Labeda 76mm TEAM Race wheels with no density rating mark (is it 82a?).
The slalom model wheels have a Harb Carver logo and 59mm and no clear brand mark or density rating on them but I think they are also Labeda (I think I have seen an "L" mark on the wheel).

What is the recommended density/hardness rating for these wheels:
- I think the softness of the wheel impacts how carvers turn so this rating should be important when buying replacements.
- Does softer imply (besides quick wear) shorter radius turns?

What is the best wheel type:
- hockey inline wheels
- racing wheels
- or recreational wheels.

Thanks for the advice.
Piggy Slayer
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Postby Mr. T » Thu May 13, 2004 1:51 pm

Piggyslayer, just a curiosity.. what is the size of the wheels
on your carvers?

I was thinking to get a pair myself and I am curious. I am
used to push skates with 5 84mm wheels or 4 10mm wheels.
Going back to 76mm wheels will feel like going back to old rec

Softer definitely implies quicker wear, but also a smoother ride
and lower speed. I find that on my inline skates, I am faster on
harder wheels, but carvers are not exactly inlines and perhaps too
hard wheels may bring slipping into the picture.

As far as wheel profile goes, racing wheels have a fairly thin
profile and are expensive, hockey wheels may be too wide,
probably rec wheels are fine.
Plus, if you mention 76mm wheels, I doubt they make anything
less than 80mm in terms of racing wheels these days. So, you
will not have a problem to choose the type of wheels.
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Postby piggyslayer » Thu May 13, 2004 6:56 pm

Pro carvers came with 76 mm Labeda team racing wheels. There in no hardness rating printed on them.
There is a little room to play with and I believe 78 mm will fit the Pro model.
If you want bigger go for the Comp model. Do not know what the wheel size on this one is.

My guess is that soft recreational wheel will make nice turns. To be more on the budget and reduce the wear maybe 82a hardness rating?
I will want to try soft wheels just to see if I can make shorter radius turns on them.

I guess Harald and Diana have tested different wheel types so I am curious what works best on the carver.
Piggy Slayer
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Postby BigE » Thu Jun 17, 2004 1:08 pm

Mr. T wrote:
I was thinking to get a pair myself and I am curious. I am
used to push skates with 5 84mm wheels or 4 10mm wheels.
Going back to 76mm wheels will feel like going back to old rec

Have you tried skating with wheels 2 and 3 removed? To me, carvers look like a pair of 5 wheel chassis missing those wheels. It might give you a feeling, but it might not, since there is only the one set of wheels.

I've read that some wheel compounds did not turn at all, so I'd suspect that there is no rocker whatsoever in the carvers. I wonder if having a slight rocker might allow the use of more durable wheels, without the sacrifice of turnability? Just a thought, but I'm sure HH has addressed it already.

And what of the delta? These are flat, but my bindings are slightly pitched forwards. Does that difference not matter?

Just a thought: An accessory carving plate that would raise the boot sole to make a pro more similar to a comp, but with less speed. The plate could be wedged with spacers, so that one could play with the delta....

Don't get me wrong, I'm not complaining, or shooting them down, I think they are a wonderful invention! I just wish I could afford a pair! :cry:
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Carver experience and wheels

Postby Harald » Sun Jun 20, 2004 12:01 pm

Harb Carver Wheels

We are at Mt Hood with our second ski camp. We are doing Carver sessions in the afternoon. The Carvers are creating a stir in the Government Camp (town at Mt Hood) community. The street through town has a long perfect slope for experienced Carvers. This is a great learning experience for us as we are teaching many different levels of skiers to use the carvers. Our recreational racer and master racers camp participants did very well with the Carvers. After the first session, they were all comfortable with stopping by turning in both directions and they were able to make a series of turns on moderate parking lot type slopes.
We have numerous ski racers taking to the Carvers. They require about fifteen minutes of instruction and they are making slalom type turns. This is another indication that if your skiing technique is well developed, you will be comfortable on Carvers immediately.

We had one skier at the Camp, who used Carvers to improve his skiing through the winter. He lives in Alabama. We skied with him at Kicking Horse, two seasons ago while he was still a wedge Christie skier. He attributes his on snow progress to Carver training, as he is now a full parallel skier on very difficult terrain.

Wheels, we can supply all Harb Carver users with newly developed very durable wheels. A new set of wheels, as I described on another thread, cost about the same as ski lift ticket. You can buy any wheels you wish, but most compounds are too soft and don?t last very long. The Harb Carver wheels with the Carver logos are the best wheels. All 2004 Carvers produced, after May, have the new wheels except the Competition models. We have limited availability of the new compound for the 100m wheels because, as I stated before, this new compound is made only for Harb Ski Systems and the Labeda racing Team. We purchased and ordered our wheels for the current batch of Competition Cavers, before the new Hybrid compound was available.

We are pressing Labeda to rpoduce more 100m hybrid wheels before August. The wheels that are presently on the Comp models are the best available. Anything less will not perform. The new Hybrid compound lasts ten times longer. All other models of Carvers have the new Hybrid compounds and we have plently of replacement wheels for the Pro and Slalom models in stock. If you want to order replacement wheels contact us at 303-888-8007 while we are at Mt Hood or 303-567-4663 after July 1. We are holding Harb Carver Camps in Steamboat Springs, Summit County and Denver in July.

Postby Hobbit » Sun Jun 20, 2004 12:25 pm


Where can I find information on your July Carvers camps?

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Carver Camps

Postby Harald » Sun Jun 20, 2004 4:29 pm

We can do Carver camps any time we are back in the Denver area as long as we have six people. We will announce a Carver weekend when we return to Dumont at the end of June. I'll post it on this forum and our web sites. Stay tuned!!

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