PMTS not Carving

PMTS Forum

Postby tanman » Sun Jan 09, 2005 7:10 pm

Hey Guest! you are so full of it. I spent years and Dollars learning from the TTS and it got me to a point I thought maybe I'll try Snowboarding instead. It felt like a plateau I could never climb out off!
I watch HH video and read his book 5 years ago and wenet to see him in Colorado from Australia. He changed my skiing forever in just half a day!
Sure you can ignore what I say, but I am the consumer and I can say what I like because the customer is always right and an enthusiatic amateur somtimes better the a professional.
PMTS has helped my of my friends acheive a levels of skiing imaginable. Its revived the career of one a my friends who teaches PMTS instructor . He had bads knees from years of teaching DUMB rotary movement and all the other stupid moves TTS teaches foot pointing, knee pointing :roll: etc... Now he on the snow for the season teaching again and his testimony is that without PMTS he would have had to give it up.
And one thing you forget is that unlike TTS. In PMTS all HH student have a very good grasp of what the are learning about in Practice and Theory. It no use for you to come into our FORUM and spins crap like you do. We know what proper skiing should be and any of your words will fall to deaf ears. HH systems is such and you can learn as much as you like of as little. The materials is there are everybody to see and use. We are not ignorant follwoers . Hh has educated us well and it not through blind faith that we follow him. In TTS you guys don't what you are teaching and worst still we don't know what we are learning about. You finish a lesson and think Geez he was a mountain guide :? DAH
PSIA is like any political org. Definitions of politics is basically the battles between supply and depend of a certain things. Senior guys in there don't want to look bad because they ski bad, so it easier sticking there heads in the sand. If its proven that they don't ski so good then they'd be out of a job and a least have to go for re-training . So what do they do, they keep everybody in the dark ie the consumer, saying enough just to keep them hooked maybe on blind faith that the TTS works. But. in reality even thet don't know the truth or maybe the truth is better kept secret. HH has exposed it all to the world. His teaching is there for everybody to see and sometimes for Dicks like you to ridicule. What document can the PSIA produce that the consumer can use that easily. And does the PSIA have the balls to present is to the Skiing World Congrest.
I have sat on a chair lift with some student that have only been on the systems for a couple of days and yet thet know immediately the BAD skiers on the mountains and the good ones. Geez there are a lot of you instrucotr stiffies and that real bad and would not even pass level one with Harald.
Posts: 24
Joined: Mon Oct 25, 2004 10:17 pm
Location: Hong Kong and Adelaide Australia

Listen to the posters

Postby Eddy » Sun Jan 09, 2005 7:18 pm

Its not about 6000 or 20,000 instructors it?s about the system and the organization. The instructor is just a poor instrument being duped and manipulated by the system. The real losers are the guests, the lesson takers.

PSIA the organization isn?t listening to them. Harald has said it many times, how many PMTS skiers have returned to PSIA for a lesson, that?s the real story, none. If skiers knew they had a choice, PSIA would be out of business and PMTS and Harald would be swamped.

Postby *SCSA » Sun Jan 09, 2005 7:29 pm

Now that we're "tipping" the coolaid... :lol:

I think Eddy says it good. I'm a demanding consumer. I won't stand for nothing but the best.

I've put Harald to the test. I got to a certain point, then I didn't train with him for 2 years. I trained with him for 2 days and he literally changed my skiing. I thought I had it goin on before. Whooey. I got to be a good hack.

I tried leg steering, I even thought out loud, that perhaps HH's approach is too rigid.

"SCSA, shame on you". :lol: (that was for Guest).

:arrow: I just bought a new pair of skis from him
:arrow: I'm going to ski with him again ASAP

I'm training with HH because I only want the best. Nothing else will do. It's "Skiing Innovation".

That is if he'll have me. :wink:

Sheet. We better be quiet. Others might find out. :lol:

Postby *SCSA » Sun Jan 09, 2005 7:33 pm

I am not, a good hack.
Just a hack. :lol:

Postby Rusty Guy » Sun Jan 09, 2005 7:38 pm

Eddy you say folks are being duped and there are detractors of PMTS who say the same thing.

As guest has well stated why isn't it possible to merely have an online debate without dismissing contrary ideas as originating from a ski instructor or PSIA member.

I can't say for certain but I'll say with 99% certainty the writer is neither. I'm also certain a variety of folks here will come to the same conclusion that I have.

Let's be a little smarter here. Isn't it all about putting smiles on folks faces. SCSA is a happy guy. He is a satisfied customer. I can simply say there were times when other instructors made the guy happy and he wasn't quite so elated with Harald. By SCSA's own admission, a month ago he wasn't making the kind of turns he wanted.

I do know one thing, SCSA will put his heart and soul into improving.

If anyone thinks PMTS is the only source for tipping a ski on edge the are being silly.

I doubt Harald will ever stop deriding his fellow instructors. That sort of thing is either a long part of his makeup or part of his marketing plan.
Rusty Guy

Postby *SCSA » Sun Jan 09, 2005 7:49 pm

I wouldn't call it deriding.
He's just pushing them to do better.
Isn't that what a great coach does?

Postby *SCSA » Sun Jan 09, 2005 7:52 pm

Rusty get your butt up here and let's go make some turns! We'll go ski the mountain, at the end of the day we'll go do a little hike.

Postby Rusty Guy » Sun Jan 09, 2005 7:54 pm

I will actually be there this week. It's for a..........dreaded PSIA event :shock:
Rusty Guy

Postby *SCSA » Sun Jan 09, 2005 7:59 pm

Rusty, I'm tellin ya. Just come make a few turns with me and watch me. I want you to see my turns.

Where you he/she/it going to be? Can I stop by and say hello? Or even better. How about I come take a run with the group?

Postby Rusty Guy » Sun Jan 09, 2005 8:15 pm

I'm anxious to ski with you.

It's Thursday and Friday. I have no idea where we will be. There will be a lot of groups doing a lot of different things. I'm taking a mandatory clinic for my trainer accredidation.

Send me an e-mail and I'll give you my cell phone number. I'm sure we can get together at some point.
Rusty Guy

Postby Belskisfast » Sun Jan 09, 2005 9:09 pm

This is cool. I know you can be counted on to be objective when you see SCSA ski. Perhaps you guys could share some divergent skills and see which comes out on top. Kinda' like a shoot out. No pressure just seems like a good opportunity for a field trial of sorts. Certainly most folks here would be waiting anxiously for the report.

Have a great day regardless guys....heres to freshies for you.

BEL ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

Postby *SCSA » Sun Jan 09, 2005 9:33 pm

yeah, this really is.

Rusty. Come stay at my place. I'm 29 minutes West of the parking garage. We'll go out on the BLM at night, check out the stars.

No man, Rusty and I are going to ski real slow. I'm excited for him to ski behind me, get his thoughts.

Postby *SCSA » Sun Jan 09, 2005 9:39 pm

you he/she/its need to get up here.
Word on lift, is that it's the best it's been since '95.

"Never let the chair of life, pass you by"

Postby Rusty Guy » Sun Jan 09, 2005 9:46 pm


I have spent the day with SCSA many times in the past. When he first appeared on the epicski scene five years ago I extended an invite to ski with him.

It is always fun and we always exchange ideas and have a great time.

After is all about a big smile! :D
Rusty Guy

Postby *SCSA » Mon Jan 10, 2005 6:41 am

Hey wait a minute.

Let's not get a "mutual admiration society" goin here. Ott would not approve. :lol:


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