MA Request for Supposedly Carved Turns

Re: MA Request for Supposedly Carved Turns

Postby HighAngles » Fri Feb 08, 2013 11:24 am

There's nowhere else on the Internet where you're going to get that kind of a quality MA and the drills to work on to improve your skiing. It amazes me that we don't have higher participation on this forum. I guess some skiers are just satisfied wallowing in their mediocrity. :wink:
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Re: MA Request for Supposedly Carved Turns

Postby ChuckT » Mon Apr 29, 2013 9:30 pm

Max_501 was kind enough to give me a detailed MA more than 2 months ago. Unfortunately, too many things had prevented me from making a trip to Mammoth till last weekend. I took advantage of the first 30 minutes before the snow turned to slush for a quick video. I forgot to be disciplined with my poles (and probably other things too) but am hopeful that I made some progress. Thanks in advance for your frank opinions.

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Re: MA Request for Supposedly Carved Turns

Postby jbotti » Tue Apr 30, 2013 8:58 am

Too bad you didn't have Max there to shoot video for you!! The quality of the MA you can be given is sometimes in direct proportion too the quality of the video shot. It takes years to learn how to shoot like Max, but all of us are capable of shooting quality video on a ski slope.

My quick MA is maybe less about technique, but your speed control in this video is pretty much non existent. Your arcs are getting larger as you head down the slope and you aren't getting the forward pressure necessary to carve tight enough arcs to control your speed. I was guilty of this for years. Your skiing will improve drastically when you demand speed control in all your skiing.
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Re: MA Request for Supposedly Carved Turns

Postby Max_501 » Tue Apr 30, 2013 2:55 pm

Chuck, you are still pushing for angles rather than letting them come to you. Compare your turns to this video of HH:

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Re: MA Request for Supposedly Carved Turns

Postby ChuckT » Tue Apr 30, 2013 8:21 pm

Max, you mean I am hip dumping or leaning into the turn too quickly? Harald seems to have all the magical time for the float whereas I always feel "forced" to rush the edge engagement before the skis are sufficiently tipped. What is a good drill to fix this problem?

I also felt losing forward pressure as jbotti noticed but was able to correct it subsequently (I think) by consistently pulling the feet back and applying more CA/CB progressively till the end of the turn. Unfortunately, like the 3-foot trout that got away, I got no video to confirm if it was indeed fixed. The snow became too slushly too quickly. This really sucks since there is still a lot of snow in Mammoth but it needs to be 20 degrees cooler.
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Re: MA Request for Supposedly Carved Turns

Postby Max_501 » Wed May 01, 2013 7:24 am

It looks like you have put the cart before the horse. Did you work through Book 2 as I suggested back in Feb?

BTW, at your current level of development the angles you are pushing on short SL-ish skis is a recipe for disaster.

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Re: MA Request for Supposedly Carved Turns

Postby ChuckT » Wed May 01, 2013 10:52 am

Hi Max,

I've gotta admit I didn't do all the drills (lack of snow time is my "exquisite excuse") but I did do the inside foot management test, the TFR test and the BPST. I passed the first two right away (maybe a problem with having the student grade their own test :D ) and felt very comfortable making STs with speed control on blue slope. I should have taken video of these tests instead to make sure I actually passed.

I did a lot of brushed carve turns during the day, by necessity, I must confess. A few runs trying to carve and my heart and lungs screamed murder. (Oddly, my leg muscles held up a lot better than my cardio - a sign of doing something wrong?)

Many thanks for the reminder of the danger of getting in over my head.

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Re: MA Request for Supposedly Carved Turns

Postby skifastDDS » Wed May 01, 2013 11:16 am

Max_501 wrote:BTW, at your current level of development the angles you are pushing on short SL-ish skis is a recipe for disaster.

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Re: MA Request for Supposedly Carved Turns

Postby Bonz » Thu Oct 03, 2013 1:31 pm

HighAngles wrote: It amazes me that we don't have higher participation on this forum. I guess some skiers are just satisfied wallowing in their mediocrity. :wink:

I'm not surprised at all..this forum can be intimidating, especially for newer skiers. And there is always a bit of an overtone of superiority that might not feel very welcoming to a new forum visitor. At least that's my opinion.
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Re: MA Request for Supposedly Carved Turns

Postby milesb » Thu Oct 03, 2013 2:33 pm

We actually are very good with newer skiers, they don't usually have ego issues that get in the way of utilizing the help they receive. But they way the people who come here seeking validation get treated, I can see how that would be intimidating to newer skiers. But to be fair, those people don't get hammered right away. It's when they insist that their skiing is much better than it is, that's when they get gonged.

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Re: MA Request for Supposedly Carved Turns

Postby Bonz » Fri Oct 04, 2013 4:50 am

Chuck Barris follows me around everywhere I go... :shock:
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Re: MA Request for Supposedly Carved Turns

Postby Istanbulskier » Sun Nov 24, 2013 6:11 am

[quote="Max_501"]It looks like you have put the cart before the horse. Did you work through Book 2 as I suggested back in Feb?

BTW, at your current level of development the angles you are pushing on short SL-ish skis is a recipe for disaster.

Max, can you explain further on why SL ski is recipe for disaster for intermediate skiers? I am also an intermediate and have two skies.( classic head isupershape 170cm. and atomic race SL 165 cm). I can say I feel even more comfortable with race SL than isupershape(needless to say on the groomers only). Interestingly I was thinking race SL skies are even better for intermediates after trying them. They were better/quicker/easier on edge for me. Am I making a big mistake? I also work for higher angles as all others.
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Re: MA Request for Supposedly Carved Turns

Postby Max_501 » Sun Nov 24, 2013 12:21 pm

A stiff race SL ski is not a very good learning tool because it is not forgiving of errors. A detuned SL ski is much better. If you throw down big angles on a stiff race ski there is a good chance that the result looks like this:

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Re: MA Request for Supposedly Carved Turns

Postby Istanbulskier » Sun Nov 24, 2013 3:03 pm

Max_501 wrote:A stiff race SL ski is not a very good learning tool because it is not forgiving of errors. A detuned SL ski is much better. If you throw down big angles on a stiff race ski there is a good chance that the result looks like this:

So should I detune my SL skis? is there any online guidence for that? is it something easy so I can do by myself? OK I will google it right now :)
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Re: MA Request for Supposedly Carved Turns

Postby Max_501 » Sun Nov 24, 2013 9:17 pm

Istanbulskier wrote:So should I detune my SL skis?

NO! The original SuperShape is an example of a detuned SL ski.
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