Old school video

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Old school video

Postby oggy » Thu Dec 05, 2013 3:05 pm

I was quite impressed, curious to hear what you guys think:

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Re: Old school video

Postby h.harb » Thu Dec 05, 2013 6:42 pm

Mostly backward, really inefficient movements. Just because it's old doesn't make it right or better. I'll never want ski like that, even when I'm 90! My father has some rotation, but he skied better at 90, he's 92 now. And Stein didn't ski like this guy, he had parts of skiing like it, but not everything.
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Re: Old school video

Postby skifastDDS » Fri Dec 06, 2013 1:21 am

The guy thinks he is carving turns Image
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Re: Old school video

Postby Skiasaurus Rex » Fri Dec 06, 2013 7:50 am

Well, he acknowledges no one has skied like that since the 60's. He's just noodling on groomers and enjoying his 8th decade on the planet at a super PNW resort. He's not an instructor or anyone selling lessons, just a local character Crystal felt like profiling to show the 'diversity' of people who call that mountain home. So, I wouldn't beat up his skiing.

Now, for 'old school skiing', I posted this video up in another thread-it's Bernd Greber from somewhere in the 80's I think. This appears to me to be pretty energetic straight ski skiing, I have never skied a pair of old-time skis, would this have been pretty high end resort skiing in the day? Looks good to me, I think he might have been a bump competitor as the clip has some extended bump sequences. Was he a somebody?

Anyway, this might be nostalgic for some:

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Re: Old school video

Postby Max_501 » Fri Dec 06, 2013 2:37 pm

Skiasaurus Rex wrote:Now, for 'old school skiing', I posted this video up in another thread-it's Bernd Greber from somewhere in the 80's I think.


Bernd Greber was an Austrian level 3 examiner, trainer, demo skier, etc. Well known in Austria and Japan. He won the Japanese technical skiing competitions in 1995 and 1996. Was an incredible skier. Very very fast feet!

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Re: Old school video

Postby oggy » Mon Dec 16, 2013 12:57 pm

h.harb wrote:Mostly backward, really inefficient movements. Just because it's old doesn't make it right or better. I'll never want ski like that, even when I'm 90! My father has some rotation, but he skied better at 90, he's 92 now. And Stein didn't ski like this guy, he had parts of skiing like it, but not everything.

I did not mean to imply that that it's something that one should aspire to these days. I was mostly looking at his turns from 1:40. He looked reasonably smooth at the top of the turn and well balanced on the skis, and he gets decent angles by the apex. I don't really have any memories of skiing old skis, but I guess achieving those things took some skill. And yes, he's not exactly a youngster - I'll be happy if I'm skiing at all when I'm into my 70s! I'm not comparing it to Greber, that guy's a monster and a really good athlete.

What are his biggest defficiencies, apart from the obvious rotation at the end of the turn? He does have some extension off the old free foot, but I've seen much worse. He does end up lifting his new free foot, but I'm not sure if the tipping mechanics are there. It looks he extends to soon and ends up over-countered by the apex of the turn, would that be correct? Is that what you would describe as hip-dumping?
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