Another attempt on disparaging me by Epic forum and Vail

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Another attempt on disparaging me by Epic forum and Vail

Postby h.harb » Sun Jan 05, 2014 7:25 pm

I was just browsing the internet and came across this bullshit. I had no idea this even existed. Does anyone know any legal rights and protections against defamation, because this is an attempt at defamation of character.
In my opinion Vail sucks, it's a monopoly and the Feds should sue them for antitrust, VAIL IS parasite on the ski industry..
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Re: Another attempt on disparaging me by Epic forum and Vail

Postby midwif » Mon Jan 06, 2014 4:01 pm

That section of the thread is from 1/2010.
Not current at all.
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Re: Another attempt on disparaging me by Epic forum and Vail

Postby h.harb » Mon Jan 06, 2014 7:21 pm

So what, it's still on the internet and when people search my name and find this link, it it looks like I was violating Vail rules for teaching at VAil. So what? It's easy for you to say when it's not you they are lying about.
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Re: Another attempt on disparaging me by Epic forum and Vail

Postby bowlhiker » Mon Jan 06, 2014 9:16 pm


You've done more for ski instruction than you know. I talked to an instructor out of the blue the other day at Vail. His quote to me:
"I learned more from his book (I think he was talking about 2) in 2 days than I have with the PSIA in 3 years".

Instructors everywhere revere your work. I talk to them. They can't say so in public and yes, that's bs. But it's perfect and exactly how it should be. But you have to look at the beauty.

You've helped how many skiers? Jeezus. Who knows how many? Thousands, in one way or another. You have more views on YouTube than PSIA has. Your camps are full months in advance. Epic couldn't fill one camp and they have a zillion members. They showed up to the battle with cannons and tanks. You had a pocket knife -- and won. Won big. Your site has zero ads. But how many views? Good for you.

Where is there a better model of skiing than you and your work? There isn't one. You're like Edwin Moses.

A young guy who found about you is now wanting to learn. I'll post about him next. Another young guy I know is wearing Head boots and wanting to make better turns -- because of you. My wife has the right skis now -- because of you. And you never talked to her.

Let epic go -- it's meaningless. It's nothing but a site for advertisements and misery. You have the bright side. Let them say what they want. Who cares? Your people know the truth. They're telling others. My friends the young guys don't care about epic. They care about making good turns, the goods. What you've been talking about since 1998. They're not going to epic for information. They're coming to you -- indirectly. Young guys, Harald. Soon their fat banana skis will be for sale.

Step back and think about what you've created. Now look at what epic has created. You created the source for ski turns, helped thousands in some way. Epic created a site where its users are being used -- they're the product being sold. The site, the users -- sad clown faces. Pray for them.
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Re: Another attempt on disparaging me by Epic forum and Vail

Postby bowlhiker » Mon Jan 06, 2014 11:02 pm

One more.

There's an instructor I met at Vail who's an admirer of your work. His classes look much different than the other instructors who teach the same level of skier. Much, much different.

I wonder how many skiers my new friend comes into contact with each season? If he does just one class a week, that's about 200 skiers a season. I bet he does more than 1 class a week.

You have a connection to each one of those skiers my new friend teaches.

Now consider how many other instructors there are out there who are doing the same thing -- teaching your stuff, but leaving your name out -- not because they want to. That's thousands of skiers who're experiencing PMTS -- each ski season.

They're doing the right thing, they have integrity. But it's not about religion. It's because they know what's the best -- PMTS.

They said you were wrong, it wouldn't work. They all lost face.

Remember. You were talking about Head before Head was. Now look at where Head is (can you have too much Head?).

It's quite an accomplishment, what you've done. And from what I can tell, you've still got good legs.
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Re: Another attempt on disparaging me by Epic forum and Vail

Postby A.L.E » Tue Jan 07, 2014 3:01 am

Well said Paul.
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Re: Another attempt on disparaging me by Epic forum and Vail

Postby NoCleverName » Tue Jan 07, 2014 6:04 am

When they talk smack, HH, all you have to do is point up at the scoreboard.

You're the only guy in the business who actually makes a living out of ski instruction. The ONLY guy. So the score is a million to zip.
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Re: Another attempt on disparaging me by Epic forum and Vail

Postby Bolter » Tue Jan 07, 2014 7:48 am

As you may know I have been teaching and or Coaching full time (with one year off) since 1981. Looking back, Joel Munn stands out as the most dedicated PSIA Pro I have ever know. He came to Breckenridge and changed and improved the entire SS in just about every way possible. I can tell you it took big balls to do what he did.

You have the same no BS outlook, work ethic and willingness to fix what is wrong that Joel had BUT you have brought it to a worldwide level. There is no one in your league that I know of. Your work (books, blog, forum, camps, boot work, skiing, athletes, cert coaches, and average Joe and Jane following) is tremendous. Your influence on me, my Coaches, Team athletes, Parents, SS staff and every skier I work with is undeniable.

EPIC ski is lost in the fog and mired down in petty BS. Vail Village is fake and a highway runs through it. The Vail Race Team public school program and medical clinic are their bright spots. Oh, wait I do love Giant Steps (old ladies DH).

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Re: Another attempt on disparaging me by Epic forum and Vail

Postby bowlhiker » Tue Jan 07, 2014 8:22 am

To the crazy ones.

Here's to the crazy ones.
The misfits.
The rebels.
The troublemakers.
The round pegs in the square holes.
The ones who see things differently.
They're not fond of rules. And they have no respect for the status quo.
You can quote them, disagree with them, glorify or vilify them. 'bout the only thing you can't do, is ignore them.
Because they change things.
They push the human race forward.
And while some may see them as the crazy ones, we see genius.
Because the people who are crazy enough to think they can change the world, are the ones who do.
Last edited by bowlhiker on Sat Jan 11, 2014 11:28 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Another attempt on disparaging me by Epic forum and Vail

Postby midwif » Tue Jan 07, 2014 1:20 pm

Beautifully put bowlhiker.

Agents of change shouldn't be surprised when pot shots are taken.

Epic forum is a foggy mess.
I rarely even go there unless encouraged by others to check something out.
But I see all the PMTS terminology migrating into common usage.
High C, flexing, etc are becoming part of the lingo.

But the instruction threads remain a fascinating mess of mostly unreadable non-logic.
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Re: Another attempt on disparaging me by Epic forum and Vail

Postby CO_Steve » Tue Jan 07, 2014 2:29 pm

midwif wrote:But the instruction threads remain a fascinating mess of mostly unreadable non-logic.

Funny, four years ago pre-PMTS I was convinced I was incapable of understanding ski instruction through the written word, at least as represented on Epic.
Two sentences and I was lost, unable to follow. Somehow the problem went away after I found PMTS.
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Re: Another attempt on disparaging me by Epic forum and Vail

Postby blackthorn » Tue Jan 07, 2014 6:27 pm

I accept that I have only recently joined the forum. I have been lurking for many motnhs and read many of the threads. As might be expected I've also lurked on other sites.
This is a public forum and Harald you put this out there. My own professional life has been one of business, profession, politics, teaching, caring, working hard, and indeed on a daily basis - giving advice.

Heed the comments so far. Look outwards at what you have done; look inwards -what is it that you really, really want. Go and chat to a trusted, old friend. Become a wise one.
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Re: Another attempt on disparaging me by Epic forum and Vail

Postby h.harb » Tue Jan 07, 2014 8:14 pm

Thank you all for sticking with me and with PMTS.
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Re: Another attempt on disparaging me by Epic forum and Vail

Postby jclayton » Wed Jan 08, 2014 3:30 pm

" Thank you all for sticking with me and with PMTS."

Got no choice , we have all drunk the " Kool aid " .

The technique posts on Epic are , as we know, are unintelligable , " verbal diahrrea ", as are most of the responses . Bowlhiker does go on a bit ( each to his own ) but he does use logic and practice to work out what works and what doesn't . He realised the worthlessness of the TTS techniques before he found PMTS ( if I remember correctly ) with his 98% post .

PMTS posts are an honest attempt to sort out our understanding of the system , generally direct and to the point . Thanks to Harald we are not stumbling around in the dark . PMTS is tangible , TTS is slop .

PMTS is here and now , TTS has it's " New Age " gurus with completely unintelligable , airy fairy garble .

PMTS puts the money where it's mouth is , they post video .

Most of the detractors admit Harald is a great skier ( apart from the blind ones ) , they don't want to admit that he became great because of his adherence to his system which he has developed and made accessible to all of us . Some of us become great skiers , others get the means to genuinely feel that they are " on their way to becoming great " .

To do all this Harald was never going to be some fuzzy , politically correct , ego massaging guy . Inevitably there will be envy and detractors , if there wasn't it would be a worry .
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Re: Another attempt on disparaging me by Epic forum and Vail

Postby h.harb » Wed Jan 08, 2014 5:42 pm

Thanks again guys, awesome post Bolter thanks, I just noticed that my video 2 on "Tipping the lower boy", has just gone nuts, 15,000 viewers in one day. Go over and check this out on You Tube it's like viral and I don't know why?
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