MA request for Milenko

MA request for Milenko

Postby milenko » Tue Feb 24, 2015 5:56 pm

Dear all,

As an avid skier I was really happy to find the light in the form of PMTS through Harald's YouTube videos. Last season I purchased all of the books and videos and religously read through them in order to understand the technique and since then I'm working on transforming my TTS skiing technique everyday that I spend skiing. Problems I'm facing with are that my skiing is limited to approximatelly 10 days per season and that I never have anyone to take the video of me skiing so it's really hard to get any confirmation if what I'm doing is actually right. I also suspect that I have pure alignment.

Can you please take a look at my skiing (from a rare opportunity that I had to get filmed skiing) and help me identify if there is something right in my skiing and what is the SMIM that I should be working on first?

Thank you so much in advance!


password for the video is: "pmts" (without the quotes)
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Re: MA request for Milenko

Postby Kiwi » Fri Feb 27, 2015 1:31 am

Nice work you don't appear to have an extension after coming from a TTS background. From what I can see release looks good. But you are too square to your skis throughout the turn and need to develope more counter acting through the turn. Left turn is much better the right in this respect. Video of phantom turns would help with checking OFR and balance on the stance ski. SMIM, work on tipping more with the free foot keeping it light snow. Try to think of constantly holding free foot back from time of release as this will get you forward and help with developing a pull back.

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Out of interest where are you skiing?
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Re: MA request for Milenko

Postby milenko » Mon Mar 02, 2015 4:14 am

Thank you so much for the reply, any guidance means a lot to me!

There's actually an interesting story about flexing/extending: couple of seasons ago one of the better TTS instructors that I've had told me to try to release by flexing as a technique for skiing in crud (he told me "try to pull your knees to your chest in transition") and ever since I tried this he has had troubles convincing me to generally use extension for transition. No matter how much he tried to explain to me that it was only for crud and that I should be "flexible" enough with my technique to use both methods. Flexing to release just produced so much better results in any situation that it was stupid not to use it. It also allowed me to ski bumps and powder much easier and with much more enjoyment. Also those instructors that tried to make me widen my stance (not all of them did, in retrospect it seems that only younger ones and those that had nothing smart to say insisted on it) never succeed as I could never ski with my legs wider then how I would usually stand upright on the flat surface, it just never worked to produce good skiing for me and felt awkward and constraining.

This was all before I found out about PMTS, and that is why I suppose I immediately got hooked as it finally clicked with me and how I intuitively perceived skiing. Suddenly things that I was feeling while skiing matched with the teaching unlike the whole my life before where I thought that I understood skiing but where things never completely added up and I was made to chase something that doesn't exist, trying an "exercise to improve my performance" just to get worse results.

I also noticed that my CA is very weak or even non existent (which is strange as I seem to be really trying to do it) and bought the angry mother videos (in addition to my ACBAES 1, 2 and Essentials) in order to focus on it. Also while watching the video and pictures I notice that it's probably because of the lack of CA and CB that in higher speed turns when angles became higher I loose my balance and my inside foot is forced to fall down and take weight in order to prevent me from falling down. And this practically ends the turn. It can be seen nicely on the photo below. Does this make any sense or is there maybe a more probable cause? For sure I know that I have no conscience effort to tip my outside ski (which is not to say that it's not happening).


I also think I noticed in the video that I have A frame popping up at transition (I would say, more pronounced from left turn to right turn) can you see it too? This lead me to believe that I have some alignment issues, what do you think about this? I for sure know that it's much harder for me to balance on my right LTE then on the left one. Before local boot fitter (the only one) put me on some BootDoc footbeds and custom BootDoc foam liners it was completely impossible for me to balance on the right LTE. I know this as I've spent the whole day practicing a slow traverse on the right LTE, falling every single time until I ripped a zipper off of my right pants' leg and got so bruised up that I was healing for weeks. With my current setup I've had some success, and my LTE balance obsession has paid some dividends with tremendous improvements, so that now I feel much more confident balancing on it. I even practiced the weighted release the last time I was skiing with I would say a decent success but I cannot know for sure until I manage to get it on video.

This Saturday I will again have an opportunity to ski for a day and I'll try to have someone take the video of me doing the slow OFR and TFR and upload them here.

I'm skiing at Kopaonik, a nice little resort in Serbia. When there is enough snow it's really a wonderful place to ski for a weekend.
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Re: MA request for Milenko

Postby DougD » Mon Mar 02, 2015 7:13 am

milenko wrote:There's actually an interesting story about flexing/extending: couple of seasons ago one of the better TTS instructors that I've had told me to try to release by flexing as a technique for skiing in crud (he told me "try to pull your knees to your chest in transition") and ever since I tried this he has had troubles convincing me to generally use extension for transition. No matter how much he tried to explain to me that it was only for crud and that I should be "flexible" enough with my technique to use both methods. Flexing to release just produced so much better results in any situation that it was stupid not to use it. It also allowed me to ski bumps and powder much easier and with much more enjoyment.
You have good instincts. Very good that you recognize that flexing to release works better than extending - in all situations. Harald's been saying this for 20+ years. World Cup racers demonstrate it every week. Unfortunately, TTS still doesn't get it. You were right to ignore all those ineffective "instructors".

I also noticed that my CA is very weak or even non existent (which is strange as I seem to be really trying to do it) and bought the angry mother videos (in addition to my ACBAES 1, 2 and Essentials) in order to focus on it. Also while watching the video and pictures I notice that it's probably because of the lack of CA and CB that in higher speed turns when angles became higher I loose my balance and my inside foot is forced to fall down and take weight in order to prevent me from falling down. And this practically ends the turn.
Agreed. I'd suggest building a Slantboard and working through the Slantboard exercises (available on Youtube) in front of a mirror.

I also think I noticed in the video that I have A frame popping up at transition (I would say, more pronounced from left turn to right turn) can you see it too? This lead me to believe that I have some alignment issues, what do you think about this?
I for sure know that it's much harder for me to balance on my right LTE then on the left one.
An A-frame is visible in the video and in the photo you linked.

Both of these problems are consistent with mis-alignment. I had the same problem (if not quite so much) until a PMTS fitter canted my R boot. That fixed everything, instantly. More qualified eyes than mine may be able to suggest how much adjustment you need.

Before local boot fitter (the only one) put me on some BootDoc footbeds and custom BootDoc foam liners it was completely impossible for me to balance on the right LTE. I know this as I've spent the whole day practicing a slow traverse on the right LTE, falling every single time until I ripped a zipper off of my right pants' leg and got so bruised up that I was healing for weeks. With my current setup I've had some success, and my LTE balance obsession has paid some dividends with tremendous improvements, so that now I feel much more confident balancing on it.
That's good, but the majority of skiers need more than footbeds to fully correct their alignment issues. The fact that you still have a A-frame indicates that you do too.

I'm skiing at Kopaonik, a nice little resort in Serbia. When there is enough snow it's really a wonderful place to ski for a weekend.
Sadly, the only PMTS fitter I've heard of in Europe is in the Netherlands, a long trip for you. If you could get there it would be very helpful. Hopefully others may have easier suggestions to try.

Good job discovering PMTS. Do all the basic drills, beginning with ACBAES1. It will open your eyes to skiing possibilities.
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Re: MA request for Milenko

Postby Ken » Mon Mar 02, 2015 9:51 pm

:12 seconds---note how far the inside foot is shoved forward. Bad dog. Strongly pull that inside foot back all the time in every turn. Try to keep both ski tips even (it can't be done, but the muscle tension trying to do it is important.)

:13 & :14 seconds---note your your body's center of mass is behind your heels. At the beginning of the turn strongly pull both feet behind you. The steeper the hill and the tighter the turn, the more you pull them back. You want your body's center of mass over the toe bindings or even farther forward.
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Re: MA request for Milenko

Postby Kiwi » Tue Mar 03, 2015 12:10 am

Hi Milenko
Nice story, your are one of the lucky ones without a developed extension.

I did notice your fore aft balance that was why I stressed the need to keeping pulling the inside leg in and back, You must do this from the time of release of the stance leg. It will help with your occasional wedge entry.

Looking at your photo, judging by the direction your knee is pointing you may well have an alignment issue that you need to explore. Get some video of the one footed balance exercises where you ski across and down a gentle slope to help with diagnosis. They are detailed on the forum. Misalignment is going to contribute to the A frame and nearly everything else you do. I suspect you will need canting to correct this and there are ways to confirm how much.

I put a lot of emphasis on CA probably because I had so much trouble with this on my right side. I could not get my right hip back in the socket which effectively blocked the CA movement. I know it's repeated a lot on the forum but honestly get a slant board and a mirror, you need the mirror, and follow the utube videos. As you know poor CA usually means a poor pole plant, together these are more limiting than you would think. Address the CA first.

I have heard good things about the resorts in you neck of the woods. I'd love to see any photos you have.
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Re: MA request for Milenko

Postby milenko » Mon Mar 09, 2015 9:32 am

Hi Guys,

Great feedback - thank you, so much!!

I contacted Jasper and Guus in Rotterdam and agreed for the alignment session on this Thursday. It is a long and costly trip for me but I've got the impression that without proper alignment all my trying and practicing will be in vain so there was no other option in my mind but to sort this issue as soon as possible. I seriously want to advance my skiing to a higher level and I'm constantly focusing on and practicing at least one of the fundamentals all the time I'm skiing, trying to get the best out of the very limited snow time that I have.

I will also build the tipping board as soon as I get some free time to go buy materials and assemble it. I was also thinking of buying Harb Carvers to try to work on my PMTS skills also during the summer but wearing ski boots in summer temperatures doesn't seem very comfortable :) Do you have some experience with them; do you think that they would have a significant impact on improvement of my PMTS skills?

I managed to get another video of me skiing. You suggested to make a video of phantom turns/OFR so in this one I tried to visibly lift the inside ski throughout the turn. It doesn't show as much as I thought it would so I guess the next time I will have to lift it substantially higher. I was also trying to focus on developing CA and keeping my inside boot close/touching to my outside boot.

Is it possible to make any additional observations about my skiing from the new video?

I have another question related to the skis. Together with starting my self PMTS training last year I was reading the forums and I bought myself Head iSS in 170cm and they are my only skis. I'm totally satisfied and amazed with them - the best ski gear buying decision that I've ever made! But, my company hosts a ski event once a year which is centered around a GS race. Last year I participated for the first time and somehow felt that my supershapes were too "turny" for the course. For this reason I was wondering if buying a pair of iSS Speeds in 184cm would be a good idea for me? I have read here and understand that skiing on a GS ski before a certain level of PMTS movements is developed will interfere with learning and foster wrong movement patterns. So the question is if skiing iSS speeds would be detrimental for development of proper skills at my current level (I would still keep my iSS as a main ski and ski on them for the most part)? Are there any benefits of skiing on GS skis for PMTS skills development?

On a related note, if you have any tips on skiing a GS course on a slalom skis or skiing a GS course in general they would be very appreciated as I've never done any ski racing or spent any time in the gates apart from this one run last year.

As for the ski resorts in my area there are really some nice ones. I will take some time this week to find the pictures that I have, upload them to Flickr and share them here with you :) Were you hearing about the resorts in my close vicinity: Serbia, Slovenia, Bulgaria or more of the ones in a relative vicinity including also France, Switzerland, Austria, Italy?
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Re: MA request for Milenko

Postby go_large_or_go_home » Tue Mar 10, 2015 3:57 am

Great news that you are getting your boots investment in your skiing that you will make. Be open minded abou the suggestion to change your boots...

Anyway, back to the video. It is clear that you are making good progress and it's in the right direction..

Overall, your CB needs work - you have a tendency to 'lean in'. Take a look at the end of your right turns...just before transition, you step out with your right leg. This is an indication that you are not completely balanced on one ski throughout the entirety of the turn. No such issue with your left turns, however, CB needs to be MUCH stronger thoughout.

CA is also much weaker throughout your right turn. You are finishing square on your skis. In fact, as you pole plant, you are reaching foreward with the outside arm and planting infront of your boots. Remember, the inside arm/ shoulder should be leading throughout the turn, and your target are for a pole touch/ plant is behind your boots..

The difference between your turns could be caused by several factors:
Lack of alignment in the boots - soon to be fixed.
Impaired range of movement in the hips - we all have one. This requires concentrated mobility exercises.
Not exaggerating the correct movements enough. Our impression of enough is always NOT enough.
Throwback from TTS. This will eventually disappear.

I will leave target exercise and drills to the coaches, but revisit the chapters/ videos discussing CB & CA.
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Re: MA request for Milenko

Postby Kiwi » Tue Mar 10, 2015 4:06 pm

I think you are hanging on to the big toe edge on the left stance leg. Alignment may help but you need to work on the super phantom and free foot management to develope a clean weight shift to the free foot LTE. Good work though.
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