Getting Heat from BASI instructors

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Getting Heat from BASI instructors

Postby Jeet » Fri May 06, 2016 4:51 am

I thought I share my experience. I was in the snow center practicing my SMIM, flexing in turns and flexing out of turns and phantom moves. The day was going really well. I realized I took the pole press exercise too literally, by this I mean I was activating the pole press muscle (the inner thigh muscle) too early (so I was tense starting the turn) and not relaxing to tip (which locked up the kinetic chain). Then I really relaxed myself going into the turn (ankle and hip), then tipped and then engaged the pole press move, it was WOW moment. (A video is on its way). Then I got approached by BASI instructors telling me...

"Jeet, It's great to see how committed you are to improving your skiing!! It's clear however that your understanding of the bio-mechanics / physics of skiing is lacking. I strongly recommend the book; Ultimate Skiing by Ron LeMaster! And also; join Hemel race club. If you can't get out of work for Hemel, then Milton Keynes race club train on Sunday mornings. "

I have never had a chat about bio mechanics with these guys and I wouldn't, it's a waste of time. I have read Haralds thoughts regarding a Ron LeMaster, basically he sucks.

Regulars have been asking questions to their instructors about me, "he never has an instructor, never joins our coaching session" but they see my progress (at least some progress :)) and wonder how they are not getting much better via multiple coaching sessions. The coaches don't like this, it undermines their ability to coach effectively. The more progress I make, the more I get hard looks and mean stares. (You will know what I mean regarding progress if saw my first ever video skiing, horrific, alignment VERY BAD)

More and more people and have started to turn to PMTS and been asking questions, I guess this is the main reason they don't like me, they want me to stop talking and skiing PMTS. I see the above remark as a desperate attempt to do just that. Remember this is not a mountain, but a small confined indoor space to practice, the word spreads quickly.

Any of you guys that have encounter with TTS instructors that just piss you off?

If I attend a Harb Camp they probably ban me :D

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Re: Getting Heat from BASI instructors

Postby skijim13 » Fri May 06, 2016 7:45 am

I get the same from PSIA instructors, since I also have PSIA certification and now use PMTS I hear many negative comments about my skiing. I think what bothers them the most is that my turns and control are great but my form is against everything they know is correct. I yet to get anyone to believe that I make turns with leg steering.
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Re: Getting Heat from BASI instructors

Postby DougD » Fri May 06, 2016 9:29 am

Jeet wrote:... they see my progress ...and wonder how they are not getting much better via multiple coaching sessions. The coaches don't like this, it undermines their ability to coach effectively.

You are undermining the misplaced faith of their students. This makes you dangerous, thus the hostility.

However, this doesn't undermine their ability to coach effectively. Sticking with ineffective methods does. They could coach effectively if they opened their eyes and minds, but as skijim13 noted, don't hold your breath. Trying to change the mindset of TTS coaches is a waste of your time and energy: it doesn't work and it annoys them. :wink:

Drill, practice, video, follow effective coaching... and do get to camp if you can! The improvements will demonstrate the value of PMTS to anyone watching who's actually willing to learn. The others don't matter.
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Re: Getting Heat from BASI instructors

Postby skijim13 » Fri May 06, 2016 11:38 am

So true Doug, it works and they don't understand why and that bothers them the most.
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Re: Getting Heat from BASI instructors

Postby h.harb » Sat May 07, 2016 9:17 am

Remember if you "believe"; you don't know!

Most instructors "believe" in what they teach and know. With PMTS we know what we teach, and we know what the results look like. The result is a technique we show when Reilly and I skiing together! They can't do that..

And not many maybe able to ski like Reilly, however you can ski with the same movements that Reilly uses even if you don't ski at his level. This is where TTS will never arrive. The movements Reilly and I use are efficient and produce many kinds of turns on many different slopes. Traditional instructors and coaches, " believe" their teaching systems or methods, gets them there, there is that word believe again. It means you don't know!!!!!!
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Re: Getting Heat from BASI instructors

Postby willwingpang » Sat Sep 03, 2016 2:30 am

Hi guys

I found this video on Youtube a while ago and I thought it would be fun to share it with you guys.

This was an official BASI Ski instructional film from 1976. Watch out for some freestyle skiing towards the end!
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