NEW MA - Jeet - SMIM = Flexing out of turns

NEW MA - Jeet - SMIM = Flexing out of turns

Postby Jeet » Sun May 22, 2016 8:59 am

Hi there,

My friend kindly took some videos of my skiing (Without me knowing). Quality of the videos are OK, could be better. You can slow the video down on youtube and click on the higher HD setting to get a better quality view. The SMIM from my previous videos was flexing out of turns rather than extending...

My comments

1. Skiing the 170cm iSpeed - Moving away from rental skiis A BIG HELP
2. I see flexing to release (but more would be better). It would be great to get this verified?
3. To me, the alignment on the right leg looks slightly soft (my increase this very slightly). Left leg looks good to me?
4. The slope had been cut up, so skiing in varied conditions.
5. Also working on relaxing and tipping to get better angles.

Is my SMIM still flexing or has it changed? Any feedback would be highly appreciated.

Thanks in advance

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Re: NEW MA - Jeet - SMIM = Flexing out of turns

Postby skijim13 » Tue May 24, 2016 4:25 am

Jeet, I am not seeing any extending in the video. I would add some CA into my turns to improve the release and energy in the turns. A great drill we worked on in camp was while travering the hill lift the downhill boot a few inchs off the snow and then flex the uphill leg down to bring the downhill ski back on the snow and then start tipping to the new edges, many of had a problem with extending the new outside ski during the release an movement learned in TSS. I would also work on the two footed release, and the release from the uphill ski while on the LTE (Super Phantom movement).
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Re: NEW MA - Jeet - SMIM = Flexing out of turns

Postby Jeet » Tue May 24, 2016 5:02 am

@skijim13. First of all let me thank you for your MA, very much appreciated. Great news that you cannot spot any extension (for me this is decent progress).

"A great drill we worked on in camp was while travering the hill lift the downhill boot a few inchs off the snow and then flex the uphill leg down to bring the downhill ski back on the snow and then start tipping to the new edges, many of had a problem with extending the new outside ski during the release an movement learned in TSS"

I will certainly add this to my drill work immediately + the release from the uphill ski while on the LTE, thank you for this GEM :) .

In terms of SMIM would we say - counteracting or still flexing (more flexing)?

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Re: NEW MA - Jeet - SMIM = Flexing out of turns

Postby Basil j » Tue May 24, 2016 7:03 am

skijim13 wrote:Jeet, I am not seeing any extending in the video. I would add some CA into my turns to improve the release and energy in the turns. A great drill we worked on in camp was while traversing the hill lift the downhill boot a few inchs off the snow and then flex the uphill leg down to bring the downhill ski back on the snow and then start tipping to the new edges, many of had a problem with extending the new outside ski during the release an movement learned in TSS. I would also work on the two footed release, and the release from the uphill ski while on the LTE (Super Phantom movement).

This sounds like a great drill to remove extension at the end of the turn. I will have to try it next time I get on the snow. i wish I could get to a camp. I can't plan any trips out as far out in advance as necessary to get to them. they fill up way too quickly. :(
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Re: NEW MA - Jeet - SMIM = Flexing out of turns

Postby skijim13 » Tue May 24, 2016 7:52 am

I would still keep up with the flexing and add some CA and take videos to ensure that the flexing does not come out of your skiing. I use a video camera with that records in mp3 and has wifi and sends the video directly to my ipad. I use Hudl video analysis software on my ipad it allows you to slow the motion down and also compare it to your others, with the ipad you can then expand the video and see the image better.
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Re: NEW MA - Jeet - SMIM = Flexing out of turns

Postby Jeet » Tue May 24, 2016 9:35 am

Thanks @skijim13. I will look into those tools. Then I just need someone to video :)

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Re: NEW MA - Jeet - SMIM = Flexing out of turns

Postby Robert0325 » Wed May 25, 2016 11:32 am

I'm not qualified to comment, but compared to your previous posts "looks" better skiing to me. Well done. Its quite hard to improve in the uk!
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Re: NEW MA - Jeet - SMIM = Flexing out of turns

Postby Robert0325 » Wed May 25, 2016 11:37 am

Ok, I will stick my neck out a little bit. Shouldn't your post be titled "flexing to release" not "flexing out of turns" ??
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Re: NEW MA - Jeet - SMIM = Flexing out of turns

Postby mardale » Wed May 25, 2016 10:50 pm

Looking at flexing, looks to me like the timing of the flexing is slightly off. You start to flex to release but you seem to stop that and extend just before the edge change.

Hold the flex and flex even more into the new turn. Touch your boots in transition.
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Re: NEW MA - Jeet - SMIM = Flexing out of turns

Postby Jeet » Thu May 26, 2016 1:56 am

@Mardale. I agree, I was sent a private message which had a similar explanation.

Flexing into turn and flexing to release comes and goes. There are times where there is a clear flex to release others where extension creeps in. Alignment is not the limiting factor in my progress (YET!).

- Carry on working with flexing into turns then flexing further to get out of turns.
- Do the boot touch drill (I purchased the evideo for boot touch only $10). With both hands on the knees whilst transitioning from one turn to another. Great video, very detailed explanation of what must be done and why.
- Using a shorter pole to stay down during transition
- Do the poles across the knees to see if I can stay down during transition (Harald had a youtube video on this exercise)

So I spent 3 hours last night doing to boot touch drill, it felt weird. As Harald says in the evideo it may feel weird and "squatty" that's because the body is not used to flexing that much. Flexing to release is very different sensation to extending, it was great fun learning something new and also exciting. These drills and one of the exercises that skimjim mentioned is all I will be doing until my next video.

@Robert0325 - you right "Flexing to release" should be the title. I'll try and change it. Thank you for your comment, I feel like I should be improving faster since I have access to the snow center, just shows the value of being in the presence of a PMTS coach and the MA forum. Just need to finalize a few things before booking Austria.

Thank you everyone for all the comments and MA.

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Re: NEW MA - Jeet - SMIM = Flexing out of turns

Postby Robert0325 » Thu May 26, 2016 9:39 am

mardale wrote: Hold the flex and flex even more into the new turn. Touch your boots in transition.

Jeet - Would love to see you doing the boot touch exercise at the Snow Centre. The local coaches will say you're doing it the wrong way around, should be reaching your arms in the air to release. :D
When you mention Austria, are you intending to do one of the Hintertux camps? Very Jealous if you are :?
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Re: NEW MA - Jeet - SMIM = Flexing out of turns

Postby Jeet » Fri May 27, 2016 1:35 am

@Robert You're bang on about coaches say am doing it wrong. I heard it all yesterday night "Why have you got both hands on the knees" this is wonderful to hear, if local coaches say it's wrong I immediately think "I must be on the right track". They were describing the "schlopy" drill I tried to explain this is slightly different, I don't bother talking too much these days, it's a waste of time, I just crack on with the drills.

Video is scarce, i try to get a video whenever possible. I told me friend about PMTS and how the video you take of me goes on the forum, he likes the idea and is willing to take more of them to track progress. As soon as I have a video I will upload it to the forum.

1st day weird feeling, feeling "squatty", being close to the ground and both hands on knees and timing was off.

2nd day get used to the feeling, I actually learning to enjoy the close to the ground sensation. Timing get a bit better.

With Austria my friend needs to finalize some things, he needs to hurry. Then we'll book.

* I hear Toronto is going to have a indoor slope, some exciting news for those who have access to it.

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Re: NEW MA - Jeet - SMIM = Flexing out of turns

Postby speedcontrol » Sat May 28, 2016 6:22 pm

This skiing is definitely an improvement compared to the previous videos posted. Interesting to see if you can keep it that way on steeper slopes.
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Re: NEW MA - Jeet - SMIM = Flexing out of turns

Postby DougD » Sun May 29, 2016 4:34 am

Jeet, very impressed with your dedication, hard work, willingness to embrace discomfort as a sign that you're experiencing new movements, and willingness to ignore mainstream coaches who don't (can't) ski the way you want to ski. Put any of those coaches on the same slope with HH, Diana or another PMTS coach and they would be hugely embarassed.

Good progresss so far. I'll defer MA to more skilled eyes (like Jim's), since youve improved enough so that I'm no longer certain my observations/suggestions would be correct. Keep at it!
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Re: NEW MA - Jeet - SMIM = Flexing out of turns

Postby Jeet » Tue May 31, 2016 5:05 am

Thank you all for the words of encouragement. It's always great when you see and told there is improvement, just makes you want to go away and do more drill work and keep practicing. Also you know your doing fairly well when it comes slightly harder to MA.

@speedcontrol my skii trip on a steeper slope will be the test. Until then I will continue to master these movements on the blues, like slope indoors. Skiing steeps and off-piste is where I am trying to get to and being able to skii it fairly aggressively and confidently without the movements breaking down. My first step is to eliminate any TTS movements (extension in my case), once this happens it would be a wonderful milestone. Then it's just refining movements and getting more range of movement (I say this like it's very easy :D )

@ Robert0325 My next video will be doing various flexing drills including the boot touch as well me free skiing slowly and bit faster. It would be great if you can make it down one day Robert.

@ DougD. Thanks Doug, I'll keep at it. Progress is always a great motivator. Skiing on that slope for 3 years, I have seen skiers who spent whole lot on coaching and have not improved, some have regressed and some don't come anymore.

Look forward to my next MA.

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