Hello ...and what bindings for M88?

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Hello ...and what bindings for M88?

Postby SLAVA » Sun Oct 30, 2005 4:04 pm

I'd like to say Hi to every one!

Long time no talk :lol:

looks like every body very exited about upcoming season (for HH and others Rocky's fellows looks like it?s ALREADY ongoing one :wink: )

Here in Great NW finally got colder with first 4 inches of snow and I packed my bike for good until next year.

One more time thanks a lot again to HH for getting me ON THE BIKE!
With 1400 miles behind my shoulders and 15 lb less I feel that I am ready for the season!

Back to business... any advice what bindings should I put on my spunky new Monsters 88 :wink:?
I was wondering if I can use railflex on them..

Thanks an advance to all!
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Postby Max_501 » Mon Oct 31, 2005 8:11 am

Slava, congrats on 1400 miles on your bike. That's impressive.

In another thread HH mentions that he uses the Mojo binding.

Did you decide what length you are going to get? HH skis the 174.
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Postby RadRab » Mon Oct 31, 2005 8:36 am

I don't know why he kept mentioning the 174cm. As far as the Head website, and Peter's info shows, there is no 174cm. There is a 164, a 175, and a 186.
http://www.head.com/ski/products.php?re ... ide&id=231
Its no big difference, but you know how ski compulsiveness is.

Postby Belskisfast » Mon Oct 31, 2005 10:45 am

Just picked up my 88's in 175 w/Mojo bindings. There is no 174... must have been a typo.
They look monsterous so the name fits...
Got my wife the Fast Thang SL, Head's womens specific ski. It has all the Head technology...Liquid metal, Intelligence, and the railflex bindings...the shop owner and the kid working there told us that at the Demo day Head put on last year everyone...guys mostly, were fighting over the womans SL...
with the railflex I can adjust the bindings for my boot and give them a try...if my wife lets me...she doesn't share well....lol

Thanks jbotti for turning me on to Jon Scott at the Tahoe Demo Center...he is a first class guy and a pleasure to do business with...carries Head gear exclusively and has EVERYTHING IN STOCK. We evn picked up Head's matching ski poles for each ski...we be stylin' now!!
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Postby jbotti » Mon Oct 31, 2005 1:47 pm

We absolutely need to get together and ski Squaw (or somewhere else) together this season. If you still have my e-mail, please send me your contact info so we can hook up. Thx, JB.
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Postby SLAVA » Mon Oct 31, 2005 10:14 pm

that i was told in my ski store as well mojo is the bindings for M88
goo then.
Max, my pair is 175 i have ic200 in 170( almost the same ski as super shape) and new XRC 1200 in 170 as well.
i will be skiing last week of the year in Bend i think we should hook up and ski together.
let me know if u will be interested.
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