PMTS in British Columbia, Canada?

PMTS Forum

PMTS in British Columbia, Canada?

Postby mjones » Sat Dec 13, 2003 11:09 am


I'm 100% new to this PMTS but I am interested in what it has to offer. In no small part this because I read "The Athletic Skier" 3 or 4 years ago which really caused me to question what we were being taught in ski school.

I'm not a great believer in learning athletic/balance skills from books (Warren Witherell may be correct in much that he says but I'm sure my skiing didn't change in any measureable way because of reading his books!) but would be very interested in taking some PMTS instruction (including looking at alignment etc.) if there is anything happening up here in BC?


can you get to Fernie?

Postby richk » Sun Dec 14, 2003 10:52 pm

Peter and Scott do PMTS camps at Fernie in the winter. See ... ncamps.htm

They teach in Australia during the down under winter-- "Bluey" skied with Peter--see his postings elsewhere in this forum.

Where in B.C. do you ski?

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Postby mjones » Sat Dec 20, 2003 11:23 pm

Hi Rich,

I ski a number of places, usually Whistler, Sun Peaks and some of Vancouver's local mountains (I'm a 20 minute drive from Cypress Bowl :-)

Occasionally I get out to Banff/Jasper.

Tomorrow I'll be up at Cypress and over the Christmas vacation plan to ski Sun Peaks and Harper. :-)

For lessons, I'd love to find a good instructor locally. I do think I've learned a decent amount from old school ski instructors but I've never felt comfortable with the emphasis on drills and trying to make us all look the same when we ski. It strikes me that what is most important is what is happening between the ski and the snow and different body types will find different ways to achieve the best ski/snow interface.

This is all from first principles you understand - I'm really not much of a skier. Actually, what is most peculiar about me and skiing is that skiing is the only thing I really love that I don't have any natural talent for!! Go figure!


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