Guest, a sad person

PMTS Forum

Guest, a sad person

Postby PMTS instructor » Tue Dec 23, 2003 3:25 pm

Guest?s ego out of control. This ?Guest? has obviously been snubbed by Harald or PMTS at some point and now is trying to stir up the pot. If his conduct on this forum is any indication of his behavior around Harald or his instructors, I am sure he is not meeting their standards of personal behavior, let alone their skiing or teaching standards.

I am also a PMTS accredited instructor and I am very comfortable with the system. Harald issued a mission statement about PMTS and the ?Guest? is clearly out of the loop with it. I am in contact with many other PMTS instructors and the Guest?s statements don?t match up with the feelings of the members I know.

This guest is evidently out of the group or never has been part of the group, as he makes false statements and knows little about Harald or what Harald stands for, knows or has done for the ski industry.

First, no one here is naive enough to look at or consider Harald as a skiing God. This is an insult on our intelligence. The Guest is the only one who has that impression and obviously Harald?s success bothers him. His type of attack is insulting to me and I?m sure it is insulting to many others on this forum who know Harald and have worked with him.

Why is he so concerned that the insiders of PMTS are causing it go away? People who ski with Harald, Diana, Rich, Bob, Dave, Maria, Kris, Mel etc, and the list goes on, are happy with their success and they constantly bring more skiers into the organization. I have skied with these and many other PMTS instructors, they are all better than PSIA instruction and training I have had. They care about everyone?s personal success. Where has this person been? I know the PMTS trainers and examiners are concerned and giving to everyone in the accreditation system and membership.

The Guest (unwelcome) is very focused on outside appearances. I?d rather have my boots fit in the shack in Colorado than at any Vail or Surefoot ski shop. I know what goes on in that shack; some of the best skiers in the country go there and only there; to have their boots aligned and their foot beds made. Every top junior racer attending the Colorado fall FIS races this season came through the shack in Colorado. Harald works with world champion skiers, not only from the US, but from European nations. I guess they don?t care as much as the guest about what the outside of the building looks like. They care about the knowledge inside. I know that Harald also does the foot beds and alignment for the DU and CU Ski Teams.

The Guest (I feel bad for him) is missing the boat, but his low level, miserable, degrading attack on good people won?t do anything to change the minds of intelligent skiers who know the difference in their skiing and skiing knowledge, after working with Harald and his great crew.
PMTS instructor

Postby -- SCSA » Mon Dec 29, 2003 6:31 pm

It's the craziest thing. I either meet instructors who hate HH and PMTS or whom love HH and PMTS -- there doesn't seem to be any in between!

The other day on the chair at the Beav I rode up with an instructor who called HH "...a hero." He was all over PMTS, teaching it to his students. This guy was really into it and I told his student that "...he was in good hands." I hope he got a better tip.

Then I rode up the chair with some snobby instructor who scoffed at HH and PMTS "...that stuff doesn't work..."

It's odd. Every instructor I meet who teaches PMTS or at least believes in it is cheerful, friendly, energetic and eager to teach. Every instructor I meet who doesn't like PMTS is snobby, stuck up and not friendly.

Hmm. The ones who teach it are cool and really nice. The ones that don't are jerks.

I think I'll hang out with those that teach PMTS! :!:

Postby Little Devil » Wed Dec 31, 2003 9:41 am

Dear SCSA,

It's odd. Every instructor I meet who teaches PMTS or at least believes in it is cheerful, friendly, energetic and eager to teach. Every instructor I meet who doesn't like PMTS is snobby, stuck up and not friendly.

Hmm. The ones who teach it are cool and really nice. The ones that don't are jerks.

I think I'll hang out with those that teach PMTS!

Come on man! You are over 40 and still act like a 15 year old. I happen to know some PSIA instructors who are nice, polite, and cheerful and a few even very handsome (but that's just me and it does not matter).
Isn't it time to grow up and stop these silly comparisons? After all, Mr. Harb was a PSIA instructor too. Was he a snobby, stuck up and not friendly instructor back then?
Little Devil

Postby -- SCSA » Wed Dec 31, 2003 6:51 pm

Hey Devil,

Did you travel all this way just to f with me? It ain't gonna happen. Go find someone else to fight with.


Postby chicken » Fri Jan 02, 2004 10:50 pm

Life is not black-and-white. I know PMTS works - and other system did not work for me - but it does not mean that any other instructor outside PTMS is worthless. There is lots of dedicated, sincere instructors around, and many of them would be happy to be a part of PMTS if their managment allowed it. But it is "political" issue with many resorts. Instructors are expected to - and paid for - being loyal to the system which hired them.

Lets try to get all major resorts buy into PMTS by showing everyone how to ski well, wearing PMTS logos, telling them - when asked - where we learned it, and letting them know that we woudl gladly take a week-long PMTS camp at this resort if it was offered. Money talks.
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Joined: Sun Dec 07, 2003 9:08 am

The True "Enemy"...

Postby Berus » Mon Jan 05, 2004 7:42 pm

PMTS Instructor wrote: "The Guest (I feel bad for him) is missing the boat, but his low level, miserable, degrading attack on good people won?t do anything to change the minds of intelligent skiers who know the difference in their skiing and skiing knowledge, after working with Harald and his great crew."

I believe the appropriate word here would be "aparatchik". "The Guest", like you, has the right to express dissenting viewpoints on teaching methodologies. The danger occurs when: 1.) Any one means of ski instruction (or anything else, for that matter) becomes so monopolized or sanctified that it is above question, or; 2.) Anyone is punished for expressing his or her beliefs about a given system.

Progress occurs as a function of evolution, and evolution never occurs as a function of "respect". Personally, I find your post disturbing in its "religious fanaticism". Be grateful to HH, certainly, if he has impacted on YOUR skiing experience in a positive manner, but PLEASE allow that no one human being is the messiah or panacea with regard to teaching everyone on the planet to ski. "The enemy" is not PSIA, HH, or even Carrot Top (well, OK, perhaps Carrot Top), but is in fact an entity known as "The Resort".

Resorts are cashing in on youth culture to create a snow-park environment which will, in no small way, impact upon the development of a basic skillset which is core to the sport/art that is skiing. Snowboarding and park culture are winning the hearts and minds of a generation, and these people will, in turn, teach snowboarding and park riding to their children. Skiing will fall into decline and suffer unless skiers like us put aside the squabbling and exert a unified influence to PRESERVE OUR SPORT. Skiing has as much room to evolve and grow as snowboarding, and this is the key to its survival. In order for this to happen, we must realize the importance of preserving a free-thinking and forward-willing approach to its development. Never will it be pragmatic to place the growth or development of an entire sport in the hands of one individual. Rather, progress will come as a function of the synergy of contributions from many sources.

Believe me when I say that there are "points of light" in the skiing universe which are in no way associated with HH. HH is neither Obi-Wan Kenobi, or Darth Vader. Resorts are "The Empire", and skiers are quickly becoming the "rebels".


Harb the skiing guru

Postby Skier for fun » Sun Jan 11, 2004 9:14 am

If you read properly the comment in the PMTS instructor's post it said , "Harb is not a ski god and no one thinks he is........". Where did you get your religion? I sure wish I could get me some of yours. On ya, what day is dome's day again?

Comments like yours are not necessary, regardless of freedom of speech.
PMTS instructor said it plainly and well. Why do these discussions have to degenerate into personal attacks? Let's talk about skiing and how we ski, why bring Harb into this? He is just doing his job and for many skiers has done great work. He offers a different, worthwhile product. The ski industry needs more of this. Let skiers decide. Can't we all just be friends?
Skier for fun

Postby gravity » Sat Feb 07, 2004 5:27 pm

chicken wrote:Life is not black-and-white. I know PMTS works - and other system did not work for me - but it does not mean that any other instructor outside PTMS is worthless. There is lots of dedicated, sincere instructors around, and many of them would be happy to be a part of PMTS if their managment allowed it. But it is "political" issue with many resorts. Instructors are expected to - and paid for - being loyal to the system which hired them.

Lets try to get all major resorts buy into PMTS by showing everyone how to ski well, wearing PMTS logos, telling them - when asked - where we learned it, and letting them know that we woudl gladly take a week-long PMTS camp at this resort if it was offered. Money talks.

what chicken said
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Location: Central Rockies

Postby gravity » Sat Feb 07, 2004 5:29 pm

-- SCSA wrote:Hey Devil,

Did you travel all this way just to f with me? It ain't gonna happen. Go find someone else to fight with.


I don't see a fight here. Why do you? Very, very interesting, SCSA.
Posts: 37
Joined: Sat Feb 07, 2004 11:10 am
Location: Central Rockies

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