laughed out loud

PMTS Forum

Re: laughed out loud

Postby Ott Gangl » Wed Jan 07, 2009 12:03 pm

ginaliam, thanks for that thoughtful post and you are right, there are two very different areas to consider here, one is the oft mentioned lack of high end ski skills by many instructors at ski areas and the other is high level instruction by well qualified instructors.

When whoever runs the ski school (the area I ski in the school is run by a committee of six, non with an instructor background, more from the management business side) interview for instructors the criteria that need to be met is who is available when, college kids can instruct in the evenings mostly, retired folks can instruct during the day, etc. Skiing performance is secondary, if that, and explained away with trainers running clinics so instructors can learn on the job.
This, unfortunately lets folks riding the lift see many instructors in uniform skiing at a lower level than they expect.

I know Bob and Harald are booked for the season but I have seen Bob teach lower intermediates on the mountain and he relishes to get them sooner than later in their skiing development. Unfortunately for the two competing systems discussed here, one is available everywhere and the other simply isn't, at least not wide spread. Maybe that will change someday, but my suspicion is that they will gravitate and in the end be much the same, some of that is even evident today.

Lastly, I would like to express something that is seldom discussed on these boards and that is the incompetent learner. Almost every group lesson has some, they just don't get it while everyone else in class does and the consequence is that the instructor spends an undue amount of time with them trying to bring them up to speed penalizing the other students in the process. It is not easy to tell an enthusiastic but unable learner to get their boots aligned, take only private lessons, buy decent equipment, etc. and then see them not progressing.

And if you think that doesn't tear the heart out of the instructor who does the mia culpa and has self doubt you should experience it sometime.

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Re: laughed out loud

Postby Ott Gangl » Wed Jan 07, 2009 12:11 pm

skidaddle, in a private lesson this is often done anyway, even if you start them out in a wedge for the secure feeling it is just for fifteen minutes or so, then you have them close up and match the skis and by the end of the lesson you can have them ski parallel. I think your misconception comes in to think that the phantom move is so easy it can be taught from the get go. Have kids who are mostly afraid of speed get going fast enough for a hockey stop to be effective is a feat in itself and after they catch the outside edge and flop hard they are weary of trying it again.

With all respect to you, what you have done with your daughter cannot be compared with the daily grind of an instructor working on the mountain.

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Re: laughed out loud

Postby Bolter » Wed Jan 07, 2009 1:40 pm

Do you have the DTP Instructor manual?

BTW- Short shapes make DTP attainable to most people.

The Phantom move is not the intro movement, there are at least 15 basic movements to work with or use prior to it, including the Phantom Drag.

"daily grind" Somthing new is needed, what could it be? DTP?
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Re: laughed out loud

Postby Ott Gangl » Wed Jan 07, 2009 2:00 pm

Exactly, bolter, from never ever to direct to parallel requires preliminary drills to be comfortable with like a edge holding traverse, etc. That first turn downhill is really scary for some. No, I don't have the manual, I also don't teach anymore, not even my grandchildren 6 and 9, they listen better and learn more from a person in uniform.
whom the can't disobey like they do their Opa. :)

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Re: laughed out loud

Postby Ott Gangl » Wed Jan 07, 2009 2:44 pm

A typical thing is that in the afternoon and evening most slopes are not really skiable for recreational skiing until closing due to beginner classes held across the bottom of the slopes. Here is a quote from today's snow report:

>>>Tiger - open (but may be unavailable throughout the day due to school club lessons being held at its base)

Croyle - open, but mostly unavailable in the evening due to Race Clinics and the CMSC Qualifier <<<

There are only seven slopes and there are classes all over them and at the bottom. Revenue from classes outstrip the recreational skier's ticket income.

Bolter, our area has 220 schools signed up and they come seven days a week. Timberline is probably not in an area as we are with 2 million people within an hour's drive.

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Re: laughed out loud

Postby Bolter » Wed Jan 07, 2009 6:31 pm


You got that right, as of 2007 there were less than 2 million in the entire state! What a HOOT!

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Re: laughed out loud

Postby Ott Gangl » Wed Jan 07, 2009 8:42 pm

But you do have a school program I presume.

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Re: laughed out loud

Postby Bolter » Thu Jan 08, 2009 6:07 am

No we bring in thousands of Boy Scouts, a one time visit for one hour. It is a mess, few like to teach the line up but there is a crew of good folks that do it every weekend, teaching the wedge. I am with the Team and the Race Dept during this rush.

You should read the Instructors manual, i wish every instructor would. The first "turns" do not have to be a fright.

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