Lito videos

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Re: Lito videos

Postby milesb » Tue Jan 13, 2015 3:29 pm

Note that the function of "dynamic anticipation" is pretty much the opposite of counteracting. Anticipation sets up an unwinding rotation of the skis at the release. Counter action is used to (among other benefits) minimize the rotation caused by strong tipping. Dynamic anticipation does not have as bad an effect on balance as leg steering, but it's really not helpful.
(perhaps for hop turns). I would advise against using it, it will hinder your pmts journey.
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Re: Lito videos

Postby ToddW » Tue Jan 13, 2015 5:19 pm


That annoying 'expert' skier's passion for skiing is helping fund snowmaking and maintenance. Live and let live.

A day or two before we skied together, a level 3 from the psia eastern masters academy skied up to me, told me six (6) simultaneous changes to make in my bump skiing and then added "do what I say, not what I do." He buzzed me calling out tips a couple more times that day. I could've gotten upset. Instead I chuckled at this guy who was so stoked to ski bumps for the first time this season that he couldn't control himself. He didn't ski well, but he sure was having a great time.
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Re: Lito videos

Postby skijim13 » Wed Jan 14, 2015 4:53 am

Todd, that is what I do with my friend from the ski club. However, my only concern is that my friend that is learning PMTS from my wife and I may not know who is right. He gave my friend a bad tip about using his poles. On the subject of bumps since I started skiing them the PMTS way I have complete control in them and fell almost like I am floating thru them even when doing the fall line. We have a group a people at our mountain who taught by a bump skier in our ski school to ride the icy troughs with high impact in each turn. I never learned that method but it does not look it would do any good on my joints. The PMTS way is much more good on my body.
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