Supershapes on sale

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Supershapes on sale

Postby violao » Mon Jan 30, 2006 1:16 pm

There are Supershapes+LD12 on sale in Intersport shops for $500. I believe they have 170cm. Is this good offer for aspiring intermediate?

Also does anyone read Gear forum? I asked for C260i and Fischer RX6 length:

I belive those guys also have RX8. Is this ski too demanding for learning purposes?

Another question: Atomic SL9 in 170 for $400?
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Postby jbotti » Mon Jan 30, 2006 1:49 pm

I have skied the Super Shapes in a 170cm length. I don't think of it as the most forgiving ski. It is a race laminate ski and it does not bend as well as other skis with similar turning radius.
The I.SL Chip I find to be substantially more forgiving (and softer) but because it is not as wide (both at the tips and underfoot) it is not as versatile as the SS's. I don't think of either one as intermediate skis.

If you are looking for a better learning ski, the XRC 800 is now Harald's ski of choice for improving intermediates.
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Postby Scott G » Mon Jan 30, 2006 2:49 pm

I have the Fischer RX8 in a 170 cm length, and I don't think of it as being very demanding. I demoed several different skis before purchasing, and the main thing I liked about the RX8 is that, despite the narrow waist and short turning radius, it skied well in a variety of conditions, and could still lay down some tight arcs on the groomers. Some of the other "carving" skis I tried felt a lot less forgiving, especially in bumps and cut powder.

Hope that helps ...

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Postby violao » Mon Jan 30, 2006 3:44 pm

Thanks guys. XRC800 is an option too, but I'm not sure they're on sale. It's not really the question of money but more like will XRC proove as a better investment in the long run against C260/RX6/RX8? Based on many reviews I got the opinion that the latter are enjoyed even by very experienced skiers (C260 is as I understand refurbished ic160). I'm primarily concerned in groomed and hardpack/ice handling and occasional bumps/moguls. Not much powder here and by the time I start to look for powder I hope to be groomed expert already 8)
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i.XRC800 == i.C160

Postby Hobbit » Mon Jan 30, 2006 4:29 pm

I believe that i.XRC 800 (and not i.C 260) actually is a new incarnation of i.C 160.
I have seen PMTS instructors in the camp skiing on i.C 160. You can't go wrong with i.XRC 800.
If you want one ski for all, then few people already mentioned i.SL or i.supershape.
Read Harald's post where he mentioned that i.supershape is a forgiving ski and is not exclucively for experts.
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Postby Ken » Mon Jan 30, 2006 8:45 pm

will XRC [800] prove as a better investment in the long run
Don't think of the long run. Think of the next year or two. For an improving intermediate, the i.XRC 800 is just right. The 170 cm. i.Supershape is an expert's ski. You should try to arrange a demo. If it is too much ski for either your size or your level of development, it will be too much ski to help you improve as you'd like to do. Also, go short. Get a ski that is about nose or chin high. Longer if you are very talented and strong, or very heavy, or the ski is not up to your ability. Go shorter if you are not that talented compared to the ski, or light, or the ski has more capability than you have ability.

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Postby violao » Tue Jan 31, 2006 1:09 am

From Head's website:

C 260i System
The C 260i System is the direct successor to one of Head?s most successful ski models, the Cyber i.C 160. Featuring Superframe Technology, it offers the same performance boost as the C 280i System, but is extremely forgiving of mistakes thanks to a more moderate sidecut and Carbon Jacket Technology. It pulls powerfully in turns and holds its own on any terrain. A ski you can depend on no matter what

Also I believe both have the same sidecut (112/64/95) and XRC800 has 117/66/101 and smaller radius (14.5 at 177cm, while c260 is 14.7 at 170cm).
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Postby aclarke » Tue Jan 31, 2006 2:15 am

Just purchased a new set of i xrc 800's inc' tyrolia sld 11 bindings for 289 euros, worked out about ?205, so if you're in Europe its a bargain. German ebay shops are the place. Delivered to my door all nicely parcelled in two days,for 20 euros. I'll forward the site if you want it, other than that just put a search in, you can translate using googles translator if you need to. I found just about every ski you can think of on there including Fischers rx8 that was about 349 euros.
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Postby bejes » Tue Jan 31, 2006 3:32 am

Can you post the urls? I tried pm, but its broken. Thanks.
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Postby aclarke » Tue Jan 31, 2006 5:13 am


The site is

They take Pay Pal if you ask them. There are quite a few shops on the german ebay here is a couple more good ones.

dont forget that coz its eu country we have no vat or import tax,not sure about outside of eu though.
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Postby aclarke » Tue Jan 31, 2006 5:45 am

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Postby violao » Tue Feb 07, 2006 8:59 am

Thanks guys for good advices. Since some suggested XRC800 as opposed to C260 I must confess I'm bit confused with Head's website description. Here's what they say:

XRC800 - level 3, tempo 3, very good skiing technique, suggested binding LD12

C260i - level 4, tempo 4, good skiing technique, suggested binding SLD11

Based on level/tempo description it looks like C260i is more demanding ski. However as you can see technique requirements directly oppose this level/tempo description. Also they suggest SLD11 binding that is AFAIK lower class than LD12. Is there an error somewhere or am I missinterpret something?

I'm sure (based on a numerous reviews) both skis are fine. Just trying to find which model is considered more advanced.

Also I'm not sure I understand the difference between skicross (XRC) and all-mountain (C260) ski categories.
Last edited by violao on Wed Feb 08, 2006 1:17 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Postby Billy Dee NJ » Tue Feb 07, 2006 11:31 am

Several folks that post and lurk here know me and have skied with me and all seem to agree that my recent purchase of the XRC 800's was the best thing I could have done. My previous ski's were Atomic 9.18's.

I just completed skiing 8 straight days on them in CO and they seemed darn near perfect. They are lightweight compared to many others and still have what it takes to get thru any conditions I've encountered.

Plus, they look really cool! :lol:
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Postby JohnMoore » Wed Feb 08, 2006 3:05 am

I'm also a bit confused about what Head ski is the successor to what. I just got back from a few days skiing in Switzerland, where I hired Head i.c.180 skis, which I loved. They're no longer made, though, so I'm trying to find out what the current equivalent is. Probably the c280i, but it might be one of the XRC range.
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