-- the board that epic and powder isn't

PMTS Forum -- the board that epic and powder isn't

Postby -- SCSA » Mon Dec 22, 2003 9:44 am

I'm going to post from purely a personal point of view, but please, chime in with your feelings.

Here's what I'm thinking, then I have to get to work!

I'd like to see this board morph into something really cool -- the board that epic and the others isn't.

epic was too right -- jeez, if you say poop over there, they have a cow. And, anyone who studied PMTS was bound to be drowned out, by all the so called experts over there. I know in my case, I had no patience for those who could ski good on the Internet, but not on the snow. I eventually got banned, although in AC's defense, I called him an ahole. But still, anyone with a unique thought can't hang over there. Way too much right influence.

Powder is good, but it's way too "dude." I think those folks over there are clever and fun -- great for infotainment. But if you want to learn something, that's not Powder.

Paula's was full of people who only ski a few times a year, even more right than epic.

I know in my case, I'd like to see a nice blend. I want the freedom to speak my mind, because after all, that's what the Internet is great for. I want ski instruction, but instruction I can understand and learn from -- the PMTS forum.

I want to meet up with others who rip -- I want to meet up with others who want to train, practice PMTS.

I want to read clever and creative posts about the turnz we make and the life we lead.

No whiners! I don't want people who whine! "Wahh, he's picking on me. He posted and called me so and so..."

I want self control. All it takes to drown a troll is ignore them. I think we're fully able to moderate ourselves.

I don't want dogma! PMTS is great because it's all about how turns are made. Don't talk to me about "feeling the skis", "steering" or any of that other crap. Show me how a turn is made, soup to nuts, because that's what PMTS does.

I guess most of all, I just want to hangout with creative types, with common interests.

How about you?
1) How would you define our little club? What is the average PMTSian? Old hippies? New hippies? If someone was to ask you, "What are characteristics of a PMTS person?", how would you describe us?

2) What can we do on this board that hasn't been done before? How can we make this the place to be, if you're a skier?

So let it roll, let's hear what you think!
Be cool, talk to you soon,

Postby Mr. T » Tue Dec 23, 2003 12:44 pm

I tend to agree with you SCSA. Epicski is a great place but there are too many professors there. And if you dig deep enough you find out that many of those professors are just selling truths they do not have.

I hope that or anything we want to call it, becomes a better forum than the others and does not become a place for people to just
tell the others how happy they are just because they can tip their feet
towards the little toe edge. In other words, whether or not you an use
PMTS properly is irrelevant to me. What matters is what you can do with
it. Did you ski Delirium Dive at Sunshine Village? Did you ski Corbet's Couloir or the Alta chutes in Jackson Hole? Did you ski Couloir Extreme at Blackcomb? No? So, how come you are so happy for your PMTS if you cannot use it to conquer the best in-bound runs out there? Something is fishy here.... In that sense Epicski was not bad. Too bad that nobody could verify the curricula of all these self-professed heroes.

I see little about technical things, like skis and boots. I see little also about drills to improve PMTS. I see little also in terms of idea on how to
achieve this or that element of PMTS. In that sense we need all to make an effort and lead this forum a notch higher.
However, I saw some honest attempt to help me with my questions and that I did like. Let's see what is going to become of this forum.

Are you going to be in Big Sky SCSA?
Mr. T
Posts: 104
Joined: Wed Oct 22, 2003 7:57 am
Location: California

Postby -- SCSA » Mon Dec 29, 2003 6:34 pm

Hi Mr. T,

I'm on the waiting list for Big Sky. Hopefully, I'll get in.

I read what you say and it's great. Let's all do what we can to contribute really great stuff here. :!:

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