skiing in colorado

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skiing in colorado

Postby maxderoma » Sat Apr 25, 2009 11:58 am

Hi everybody, my name is Emiliano and I am a new user of this forum.
I am italian, 32 years old, primary level ski-instructor and I have recently had the great luck of coming across Harald's books.
I find them enlightening and I am looking forward to putting PMTS theory into practice.
I have been taking ski-lessons in Italy and Norway and sadly noticed how ski-schools in these country are willingly teaching wrong concepts like the steering one.
Unfortunately, I must have learned some of these old-fashioned concepts and will have to work hard to un-learn them.
My greatest dream is to become an expert skier but I don't want to fill the pockets of instructors who will only teach me dead-end skills; as there is no PMTS school in Europe, I have decided that I will take the big step: move to America, the land of opportunities!

Can anyone here give me some advice about living/working in Colorado in the winter?
I would like to live and work not far from Harb Ski Sistems. I will first of all need to rent a cheap room/place. Once I have fixed that I will try and find a job, although I don't know how easy or difficult it may be.

If anyone had some good idea or even a place to rent for next season (09/10), I would be extremely grateful and you could count on my help and hospitality both in Italy and in Norway.
Please, get in touch and help me make my skiing dream come true.
My email: tel 004790883094 (Norway)
Posts: 3
Joined: Sat Apr 25, 2009 11:34 am

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