MA for leopold_bloom

Re: MA for leopold_bloom

Postby h.harb » Thu Mar 25, 2010 11:23 am

The bottom line is, anyone who wants to give MA feedback on this forum, should be a legit member of the forum, with an address and skiing background that can be validated.
We all know who Hellvaskier is and we know who JClayton is, Bolter etc.

That will cut the Bull-S--t down to zero.
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Re: MA for leopold_bloom

Postby jclayton » Thu Mar 25, 2010 11:42 am

G'day Art ,
as Harald once pointed out MA is a good opportunity to refine ones vision . I like the way he often lets a thread ramble on then step in and clarify issues . This way amateurs like me can take a plunge then look back and reassess . I feel I have learnt a lot which has directly affected my skiing .

Leo had some pretty incisive things to say . I actually PMed him in the early days asking about his experience and he answered quite coherently . It is not unusual to see some dedicated skiers from Ireland and England ( probably Wales and Scotland as well ?? ) In a recent survey Great Britain has more skierdays per year than most other european nations , including Austria , despite have virtually no resorts .

Regardless of who posts if there is error it does seem to be picked up so I don't see any danger . I would say Leo is probably a good skier and probably has absorbed a lot of PMTS into his own skiing . How much of a toolbox guy we will probably never know , if he is an " Hombre Rapido " then who cares but I doubt it .

It was interesting how it fell apart , he was losing his "touch " . Maybe deliberately to see how far he could go . When called out , rather vigorously by Harald , ( he he , in his inimitable way ) , then I guess the exercise was pointless . The literary persona had feet of wax .
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Re: MA for leopold_bloom

Postby jclayton » Thu Mar 25, 2010 11:45 am

I haven't posted video yet , stoneage computer skills . But I've been well picked apart by Harald and Diana et al , that's what I call credentials !! Hope to do some re-constructing in Hintertux .
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Re: MA for leopold_bloom

Postby jclayton » Thu Mar 25, 2010 11:52 am

Out of curiosity this was from March 2008 . He never answered any questions about Joyce and from a couple fo his comments I wonder about any genuine knowledge of the book . It is one of those books that carry kudos if you say you have read it and many have just read reviews .

Re: bloomsday
Sent: Thu Mar 20, 2008 5:55 am
From: leopold bloom
To: jclayton

Hello jclayton,

No offense taken. I missed your post in the thread until tonight.

I am not in the inner circle of PMTS. My skiing background is not noteworthy.

About 12 or 13 years ago, I took a lesson from a professional instructor that taught me what was essentially the PMTS technique. I think this predates the publication of the Harb books, so I don't know where he got his ideas. But as we all know, Harald Harb didn't invent the technique in and of itself--just an amazingly rigorous and effective method of teaching it!

Circumstances never allowed me to take another lesson from this instructor, so until rather recently, I have been working on my skiing alone. I did attend a couple of instructional ski camps during this period but found no value there.

I stumbled on PMTS through the Internet and borrowed the books from the local library. It was quite a revelation to discover a whole system based on the ideas that I had been working with. I felt like I had been delivered out of the wilderness!

My knowledge of the system is based on the books, which I now own and my own experience. I developed many of the same ideas through persistent experimentation and observation. For example, I have been doing an exercise very similar to the phantom move for many years. I was well aware of the concepts behind the two footed release, the float, vertical separation, fore and aft balance etc. before I encountered PMTS but lacked the formal system of communicating these ideas that is found in the Harb books.

Having said this, I cannot understate the value of PMTS and how much it has helped me improve my skiing. I stumbled on the forum and thought that it would be interesting to enter the discussion.

- Leoleopold bloom

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Quote leopold bloom Re: bloomsday
Sent: Thu Mar 20, 2008 5:55 am
by leopold bloom

Hello jclayton,

No offense taken. I missed your post in the thread until tonight.

I am not in the inner circle of PMTS. My skiing background is not noteworthy.

About 12 or 13 years ago, I took a lesson from a professional instructor that taught me what was essentially the PMTS technique. I think this predates the publication of the Harb books, so I don't know where he got his ideas. But as we all know, Harald Harb didn't invent the technique in and of itself--just an amazingly rigorous and effective method of teaching it!

Circumstances never allowed me to take another lesson from this instructor, so until rather recently, I have been working on my skiing alone. I did attend a couple of instructional ski camps during this period but found no value there.

I stumbled on PMTS through the Internet and borrowed the books from the local library. It was quite a revelation to discover a whole system based on the ideas that I had been working with. I felt like I had been delivered out of the wilderness!

My knowledge of the system is based on the books, which I now own and my own experience. I developed many of the same ideas through persistent experimentation and observation. For example, I have been doing an exercise very similar to the phantom move for many years. I was well aware of the concepts behind the two footed release, the float, vertical separation, fore and aft balance etc. before I encountered PMTS but lacked the formal system of communicating these ideas that is found in the Harb books.

Having said this, I cannot understate the value of PMTS and how much it has helped me improve my skiing. I stumbled on the forum and thought that it would be interesting to enter the discussion.

- Leo
Quote jclayton bloomsday
Sent: Thu Mar 13, 2008 9:03 pm
by jclayton

Hi Leo ,
just to say that I wasn't calling you out or anything , I was too lazy to send a private message . I appreciate your posts and was just a bit curious as to your history . I have a few mates in Dublin and hope to get over there for a Bloomsday so I can relive the pages of one of my favourite books .


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Re: MA for leopold_bloom

Postby arothafel » Thu Mar 25, 2010 1:10 pm

Harald, Max, Jeremy, et all....

Yes...perhaps the new strategy may be to read posts from all and encourage everyone to participate and become better at identifying good from bad PMTS movements. But to heed advice ONLY from those who have posted video and are PMTS knowledgeable -- so that I know from where they speak. And, Jeremy... even though you've not posted video... I have first-hand knowledge of your skills... so I include you with this group... even if it means I go into the woods on the Carvers!

Part of the PMTS education is to develop diagnostic skills. This forum and reading MA of all posted video is incredibly helpful to me.

Many of us get less than 30 days a year on snow. So every ski-day is precious. The last thing anyone wants is to waste time practicing a dead-end move based on bad advice.
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Re: MA for leopold_bloom

Postby h.harb » Fri Mar 26, 2010 10:44 am

Serious, you nailed it. That was my perception immediately when I read Bloom. Every once-and-a-while he got something right. Just like the blind chimp, throwing darts, he hits bulls-eye, every once-and-a-while. I was inclined to let it go for a while and just step in to set the direction, but it got so big and I got so busy I had to neglect his posting for most of my busy season, my mistake.

I had the same reaction to his posts as I do to BB's diatribe, he writes a lot of crap. When I came home after a day of work I was able only to skim the posts, because his postings made me dizzy.

There is lots of fluff and his disingenuous comments really put me off near the end. Sure he was called out, but rather then acknowledging his weaknesses and be open to learning, he started attacking.
That was the straw that finally lead to his un-ravelling.
This is a sure sign that he is a fraud, and it became apparent that he didn't understand how PMTS worked. He wasn't here to learn, which he could have used, he came here to be and develop a persona of an authority and expertness. Which is fine, if you deserve it, look at Greg, Jclayton, Bolter, Max etc. they have earned our respect. Look at JBotti he posts about what he has experienced, and explains the results of his hard work with movements or exercises. This is what is so appreciated from most of the members here. They act with reason and stay within themselves. Bloom was out of control near the end, the persona he thought he created started to get the better of him. His on line persona grew big enough in his own mind that he couldn't control himself, when shown up.
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Re: MA for leopold_bloom

Postby jclayton » Fri Mar 26, 2010 12:13 pm

Hey Art ,
not many people can go tree carving on Harb Carvers . ( and live to tell the tale ) . I did pick a few twigs out of various orifices .
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Re: MA for leopold_bloom

Postby h.harb » Fri Mar 26, 2010 1:18 pm

Mad man on Carvers, scared the hell out of me. That was race camp, what, 3 years ago?
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Re: MA for leopold_bloom

Postby arothafel » Fri Mar 26, 2010 3:13 pm

Mt. Hood 2007 - Jeremy and Me. (I'm the smart one wearing the helmut and pads).

Check it out.... At about :18 women and children are running for their lives!
Then, at :23 "Hey Jeremy.. Where you going?"

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Re: MA for leopold_bloom

Postby h.harb » Fri Mar 26, 2010 6:46 pm

I was hoping for the run with the road rash and the twigs sticking out of his a--, sorry, ears. I think I was fairly angry with Jeremy for his adventuresome approach to Harb Carvers.
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Re: MA for leopold_bloom

Postby jclayton » Sat Mar 27, 2010 7:02 am

Harald , you were very diplomatic at the time . I guess you are a bit used to hard headed Aussies now .
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Re: MA for leopold_bloom

Postby A.L.E » Sat Mar 27, 2010 2:43 pm

Talking of hard headed Aussies. Monsterman will be in Hintertux to create the off snow havoc.
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Re: MA for leopold_bloom

Postby h.harb » Sat Mar 27, 2010 7:23 pm

Yes Monsterman, I see a fig party in the offing. This is going to be a party, the 10 Anniversary of Harb Ski Systems at the Hintertuxerhof.
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