This isn't funny it's skiing child abuse.

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This isn't funny it's skiing child abuse.

Postby h.harb » Wed Dec 04, 2013 7:24 pm

This kid could have run into the rocks on the side or the trees coming up. He's lucky he fell.
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Re: This isn't funny it's skiing child abuse.

Postby jbotti » Wed Dec 04, 2013 8:18 pm

Wow, fricking terrible. Poor kid. If anyone wants to know how to make sure your young kids will hate skiing, the sure fire method is on this video.
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Re: This isn't funny it's skiing child abuse.

Postby NoCleverName » Wed Dec 04, 2013 9:55 pm

What's even more pathetic is the comments under the vid that indicate there's nothing at all wrong with this way to learn. As if crashing into rocks --- or other skiers --- is perfectly acceptable. Maybe even a rite of passage. I've seen this even on the gentlest of teaching slopes: it usually results in a collision with someone else (fortunately slow). Roughly 1/3 of adults getting on their first real green will go uncontrollable right off the bat.

I do remember when I first started out (at age 35, mind you) I was exactly in the same position a couple of times. I can testify that having the wedge "in your bag of skills" as TTS would have it, is not an effective means to bleed off speed if you get going even a little quick. So why bother to teach something that won't work? Worse, because it's the FIRST thing you'll learn, it'll be your automatic "fallback". Sure, I can see teaching it as the "liftline maneuvering" skill. Braking wedge: it's only purpose is to stop in confined space at low speeds.
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Re: This isn't funny it's skiing child abuse.

Postby Skiasaurus Rex » Thu Dec 05, 2013 12:16 pm

I remember the first time I saw this video and I have the same reaction now. It's bad enough the Dad is a complete douchebag who unnecessarily terrified his kid because he didn't want to spend a few days on the learner slope. But the fact he made this video public to show the world his child's fear and fall is downright epic douchebaggery.
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