
PMTS Forum


Postby Meeks » Fri Aug 28, 2015 7:20 am

Felt I should post this message as I Just had more confirmation PMTS is THE way to ski and teach skiing.

My very athletic wife has been skiing for a total of 13 days. For 10 of those 13 days I taught her the CSIA way.
Now before I get jumped on, CSIA was how I was taught and how I taught others as an instructor.

I discovered PMTS a year ago now and was converted by the common sense and practicality of the movements,
after study and a lot of visualisation and dry land training I got on snow last season and found PMTS worked.

The point I'm making is I Just took the family to New Zealand and taught my wife PMTS Movements. And I can not believe the difference in her skiing. She has so much more confidence in herself and her technique, truly an amazing transformation in her skiing in just 3 days. She has gone from a reluctant skier to absolutely hooked and excited at her own improvement and that means more ski trips for me :))

I should add that my own skiing is also much more fun, fluent and less taxing on the knees and thighs than ever, in all terrain and conditions PMTS works perfectly.

PMTS truely works and I am glad I found it!
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Re: Confirmation

Postby DougD » Fri Aug 28, 2015 9:14 am

My partner, who's not especially athletic, had a similar experience. Several years ago (before we met) he skied 4-5 days in a group led by a PSIA instructor. Hated it. Learned nothing useful. Never wanted to ski again.

Then he met me, a ski fanatic, and heroically agreed to try again. Being already convinced that PMTS was the way to go, I kept him as far from PSIA lessons as possible, then enrolled him in last season's Green/Blue clinic. Those 5 days of intensive coaching by PMTS professionals transformed him - not just his technical ability but also his attitude.

Pre-PMTS he struggled to get down the bunny slope without stemming, falling and being generally miserable. Now he flies down 1,000vf Blues and 2,000vf Greens in control, turning non-stop with style (PMTS style) and asks, "Aren't there any longer trails we can do?" PMTS created a monster!

Glad your wife has found a way to enjoy the sport you love. It's a good feeling for her and of course for you.
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Re: Confirmation

Postby Meeks » Sat Aug 29, 2015 3:03 am

Thanks Doug.

I actually asked her what she thought changed things for her and without hesitation she said lifting the inside foot and facing the zippers downhill. These 2 things alone put her in control and balance.
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Re: Confirmation

Postby MarcS » Sat Aug 29, 2015 5:01 pm

Facing the zipper downhill is not a PMTS movement but a visual consequence of correct PMTS movements such as CA and CB. PMTS movements like lifting the inside ski must be integrated with the other PMTS movements and not TTS movements to have more than just a limited effect.
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Re: Confirmation

Postby Max_501 » Sat Aug 29, 2015 6:17 pm

Remember that CA is progressive. These old posts from HH might be of help:

h.harb wrote:Yes, in my "Anyone can be an Expert" 2 book, there are countless references to strong arm and leading with the inside of the body.
Another focus is on the direction of the jacket zipper toward or facing the stance ski boot.

Point out to the skiers where their jacket zipper should be facing in the arc of the turn. In a left turn, have them face their jacket zipper (chest) toward the stance boot by 7:00, on the clock, then at 9:00, then at 11:00.

After the skier can accomplish this set of counteracting preparation movements, have them adjust the other way, reducing counteracting until they are back to facing by 6:00. This will test their ability to counteract and understand it. Use video to confirm for them. Be very accurate with the video pointing out exactly which exercise and which direction relative to the clock they were supposed to be facing. After a few days of this training, they will begin to have a complete understanding of counteracting. Also you can use the Essentials book: Tuck turns and the Hip-o-meter. These are practice and reinforcing counter acting movements exercises, not only for the hips, but the upper body.

Also the simple pole holding on the inside hand. a vertical pole hold, keeps the inside of the body strong. Look at Grange his pole is flat, knuckles are down. Some times a simple reinforcement like keep knuckles up (after proper preparation training) can make a huge difference.

You can see from the photos I posted, some WC skiers lead with the shoulder, some with the hip, some don't lead.

h.harb wrote:You are standing to the inside, left of a clock face, looking from top down, top is 12:00. Your skis are following the outside of the clock circle. The top is at 12:00 and the bottom of the turn is 6:00. Facing the jacket zipper toward the numbers and their positions on the clock makes the body face to the right, toward the numbers on the clock. Remember the skis are following the turn of the clock's outside circle, so at the bottom (6:00) the skis are pointed left, accross the falline. The zipper faces at 6:00 or downhill.
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Re: Confirmation

Postby Meeks » Sun Aug 30, 2015 6:12 am

Thanks for those posts, had her stand against the wall and and edge the boots side to side as per Harold's ACBAES2 DVD.

Doing that got he head around what I was trying to convey and helped her a lot.

We will work on more drills next time out specially concentrating on transferring weight from ski to ski, she has a little bit of difficulty on her right ski turns.
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Re: Confirmation

Postby Basil j » Sun Aug 30, 2015 7:05 am

Congrats on discovering and embracing PMTS. I too also had the same initial reaction to the adoption of the phantom move and added focus on CA movements 2 seasons ago. My advise, is Please don't stop your learning journey here at this point . My skiing made a big jump two years ago and I thought I was on the PMTS track only to discover that I had only scratched the surface of a world of potential skiing improvement and enjoyment. I spent half of the season last year just on the super phantom move, strong CA and lightening my inside ski, removing the lift and no swing pole plants. Working diligently with a ski coach that understands the differences between PSIA and PMTS very well IMO, I have chipped away at unlearning ineffective movements and learning to default to effective PMTS movements. I have been skiing for over 30 years and I felt Like a newbie for much of the last 2 seasons in many instances, but I can say without hesitation my skiing has become much more effortless, more graceful and I can default to pretty much the same movements for all conditions, and I have a newfound appreciation for the science and mechanics behind how skiing actually works. I have skiing friends whom I have looked up to for years now asking me questions about the ski technique that they see me using. It's a journey much Like martial arts. You can always improve and PMTS is a great roadmap. "Always keep learning".
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Re: Confirmation

Postby DougD » Mon Aug 31, 2015 3:28 am

I wanted to mention that zipper facing downhill was inaccurate, that zipper facing the stance boot was the idea, but I'm not advanced enough in PMTS to be offering much technique advice. Glad others chimed in, especially Max. As usual he found a gem from HH.

CA is covered fully in 'Essentials', but I sense that you (or at least your wife) aren't yet ready for that.

Meeks wrote:We will work on more drills next time out specially concentrating on transferring weight from ski to ski, she has a little bit of difficulty on her right ski turns.

Could be technique, alignment or equipment. Impossible to say without video and MA by expert PMTS eyes. I had a similar problem for 30 years that no shop or instructor could fix. One 45 minute session at HSS fixed it forever. The expertise there is beyond compare.

You're trying to break old habits and learn new ones. Start with ACBAES 1, page 1. Every drill has value and they're presented as a progression. Don't skip around or cherry pick, you probably don't have enough PMTS knowledge to do that. Work through the drills in order. Sooner or later you'll each encounter a drill you can't do reliably. That's the place to focus.
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Re: Confirmation

Postby h.harb » Tue Sep 01, 2015 3:50 pm

Remember there are many more "GEMS" with PMTS movements on our web site. It's so easy no shipping or DVD player needed. You download the eVideo to your pad or phone and take it skiing, watch the instruction and demonstration in the lodge or on the lift. Pure PMTS from Diana and me, take it everywhere you go, without interpretation. We are building many more eVideos this way. It's very effective, people love them, we have orders coming in world wide. I call it, "Freeing the world from the tyranny of institutionalized ski instruction".
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Re: Confirmation

Postby Meeks » Wed Sep 02, 2015 5:47 am

Harald I purchased the downloads a while back and I had her watching releases and the drills we would be doing that day every morning over her cup of tea. All on the iPad.

These downloads are invaluable to anyone wanting to get things right. For me I'm addicted, I play the DVDs anytime I get a chance to sit in front of the TV, and those loaded on my iPad are my bedtime viewing.
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Re: Confirmation

Postby Doghouse » Wed Sep 02, 2015 4:53 pm

I have most of the eVideos - they're awesome! Looking forward to more!
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