Will Wing Pang MA Request please

Will Wing Pang MA Request please

Postby willwingpang » Tue Nov 21, 2017 5:59 am

Hi everyone, hope y'all preparing for the fresh new snow on them mountains.

Please take a look at my video, here working on a stronger narrow stance so the body can move quickly as a result of small adjustments at the feet (ACBAES 2).

Feedback much appreciated.

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Re: Will Wing Pang MA Request please

Postby skijim13 » Wed Nov 22, 2017 10:40 am

The video is hard to see, next time have the person zoom in on your for a closer view of your feet. You need to counterbalance more during your turns which would improve you balance more on your stance ski. I suggest you purchase the E video for PMTS dryland training it would help you with all of your essentials. I also would work more on you CA in your turns. I good drill is the angry mother drill. I can't see your feet well so it hard for me to see if your tipping is enough. I know that I have been working on tipping throughout my turn until the time of my release. In short turn camp we learned to lift the tip slightly doing the release the reasons for this can be found on Haralds Blog.
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Re: Will Wing Pang MA Request please

Postby noobSkier » Wed Nov 22, 2017 12:15 pm

I'm no expert and the video is far from ideal, but I see some good things. One thing that immediately stands out to me is that you aren't counterbalancing enough on your left leg turns (left leg as the stance ski). When you don't have sufficient counter its impossible to weigh yourself properly on the stance ski, which makes a good release impossible thus forcing you to steer/push-off. I like your right turns a lot more. Overall, good job on tipping and upper body stability. Work on your counterbalance; this will help you to EXTEND that stance ski and subsequently FLEX to release.
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Re: Will Wing Pang MA Request please

Postby willwingpang » Fri Nov 24, 2017 5:42 pm

NoobSkier - Thank you for you encouragement. I will keep working at it.
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Re: Will Wing Pang MA Request please

Postby noobSkier » Sat Nov 25, 2017 10:03 am

I can appreciate the difficulty of skiing very slowly like that. Of course things could be better but I think fundamentally you are on the right track. Focus on the release...especially your left turn. Because of the lack of counterbalance on that side, you are unable to load up the stance ski; so you sort of steer it into the next turn (which hinders the right turn as well).
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Re: Will Wing Pang MA Request please

Postby Obrules15 » Sat Nov 25, 2017 11:54 am

Time to practice MA (I'm not an expert)

The biggest thing I see is occasionally where you stem a few of your turns. That may be because you transfer weight to the inside edge of your stance ski prior to completely unweighting your new inside ski (or I could be wrong and I'm attributing things I struggle with to you). But it definitely doesn't happen every time so it seems to be something you are aware of. You definitely counterbalance and have better flexion and outside leg lengthening on the turns to the L(your left).

Is the stance width appropriate for the size of the skier?

Does the release start by flexing the outside leg?

Does LTE tipping lead engagement to the new turn?
-Yes, Big O-Frame

Are the feet pulled back at transition?

Is the inside foot held back throughout the turn?

Is there enough CB and CA and is the timing right?
-Turns to your right have weaker CB, CA seems good.

Is the pelvis included in the CB/CA movement?

Strong inside arm?

Is the inside leg flexed as the turn progresses?
-Some, ?enough? Better to your left

Does the outside leg extend naturally (no pushing) as the turn progresses?
-Some, ?enough? Better left.

Does LTE tipping of the inside foot continue throughout the turn?

Is the skier balanced over the outside ski?
-Not enoughbut (when you stem)

Is there a pole touch and how is the movement and timing?
-yes, doesn't seem to unwind CA or be too close to body

Alignment - watch the skis and knees carefully - does anything look like it needs go be tipped in or out?
-Unsure, can't see feet/boots well enough.
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Re: Will Wing Pang MA Request please

Postby willwingpang » Sat Nov 25, 2017 5:47 pm

Thank you Oberules and SkiJim for the tip(pun intenteded) and checklist.

PMTS all the way!
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