Hirscher (revised 7th win) in slalom, 8 if he wins last race

Hirscher (revised 7th win) in slalom, 8 if he wins last race

Postby h.harb » Sun Jan 14, 2018 3:41 pm

Hirscher's cleaning up on the World Cup, because his boot set up has come right for the first time in 4 years. He has always had this kind of talent and skill, but without the boots just right he has to adapt like anyone else. Because Hirscher is so good and so much better, he was still able to set records, but now that everything is right, no one can touch him. Now that he has all of his prowess available to him he looks unbeatable.

For me personally, it was very frustrating to watch Hirscher the last 2 seasons, because I knew he was a better skier. I kept quite while everyone was raving about Kistofferen, he's not perfect and he's not as clean a skier everyone wants to make out. I know Hirscher won two overall world cups in this period, but he's even better then that. However, just like with Mikaela Shiffrin and others on Atomic, there are mistakes with their boots. Head has mistakes with their boots as well. Look at Alexis Pinturault it has taken Head and their Team almost 4 years to get his boots working. Now he's starting to ski like he can. If you know this and watch the struggling skier making adaptive movements because of the boots; because they are not able to use their natural technique, it's very frustrating.
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Re: Hirscher wins 5th straight slalom

Postby h.harb » Mon Jan 15, 2018 5:41 pm

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Re: Hirscher wins 5th straight slalom

Postby noobSkier » Mon Jan 15, 2018 6:34 pm

Im fascinated by Hirscher, but as a recreational skier I find It difficult to relate. Thanks for showing us a glimpse into what makes him so great!
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Re: Hirscher wins 5th straight slalom

Postby Vailsteve » Mon Jan 15, 2018 9:41 pm

Actually, I find HH analysis of World Cup skiing incredibly “relate-able” to my skiing. While I will NEVER be a good skier, I find that visualizing from HH’s photos of “where I should end up” when making the proper movements to be very helpful.

Cast in point...I had a two day private lesson last week, and as I mentioned in a previous post, one of my key teaching mantras is “balance balance balance ie balance over, or on, the outside ski”.

So we did several hours of super phantom and the two footed release drills. Then, we focused on making turns with the inside foot/ski completely lifted thoughtout the turn — and coming to a complete stop. The drill was to finish the turn and come to a complete stop balanced on the outside ski with inside ski off the ground; our upper body counter balanced and counter acted as much we could. Our downhill pole was as far back as possible...behind the bindings or more. We would all stop and look at each other to see if we were “standing on” our downhill ski — or not! Mostly “not”, but this sure showed us where we needed to improve.

I fully agree that as a recreational skier, I will never experience the speeds and g forces of a World Cup skier. But I do believe that I can become the best I can be by watching and learning from the best of the best. HH’s photos and commentary certianly helps.
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Re: Hirscher wins 5th straight slalom

Postby DougD » Tue Jan 16, 2018 7:04 am

Vailsteve wrote: So we did several hours of super phantom and the two footed release drills. Then, we focused on making turns with the inside foot/ski completely lifted thoughtout the turn — and coming to a complete stop. The drill was to finish the turn and come to a complete stop balanced on the outside ski with inside ski off the ground; our upper body counter balanced and counter acted as much we could. Our downhill pole was as far back as possible...behind the bindings or more.

After attending camp I did exactly this for days and days and days... always with poles in the pole drag position (no pole plants). The effect it had on my tipping, balance, CA and CB was enormous.

None of us will ever ski like Hirscher. As Harald pointed out, even Hirscher's WC competitors aren't skiing like Hirscher. But having this paragon of expert skiing analyzed by a coach who fully understands what he's doing is helpful to me also. Thanks, Harald, for all you share.
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Re: Hirscher wins 5th straight slalom

Postby h.harb » Tue Jan 16, 2018 5:49 pm

If you have studied PMTS throughly, what I'm describing on my Blog is totally relatable. Of course those with only a minor understanding, or PSIA background will not relate well. There is so much I can tell you about Hirscher's skiing, and I have been doing so since I first saw him at 19. Those that have been here since then, know I predicted he'd be the best. He had such command over his skiing.

I watch the Olympic Channel feed, the commentary is so poor, Steve Porino has no idea. Then I watch the British TV feed. After that I watch the Austrian feed. The Austrian feed is the best, the commentators have insight and have won World Cup slaloms. The interviews with Hirscher are so cool. He's so candid until it's a question about his skis. He always side steps those question, but very nicely.

For me personally, it was very frustrating to watch Hirscher the last 4 seasons, because I knew he was a better skier, I know he won four overall world cups, but he's even better then that. However, just like with Mikaela and others on Atomic, there are mistakes with their boots. Head has mistakes with their boots as well. Look at Alexis Pinturault it has taken Head and their Team almost 4 years to get his boots working. Now he's starting to ski like he can. If you know this and watch the struggling skier making adaptive movements because of the boots; because they are not able to use their natural technique, it's very frustrating. Head finally has Myhrer close, his left boot is still too strong, but he can now at least manage it.
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Re: Hirscher wins 5th straight slalom

Postby noobSkier » Tue Jan 16, 2018 6:24 pm

noobSkier wrote:Im fascinated by Hirscher, but as a recreational skier I find It difficult to relate.

Sorry, this was a stupid way of phrasing it. What I meant to say was that watching Hirscher without the context of Haralds explanation is difficult to relate to. The explanation makes it totally relatable though!
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Re: Hirscher wins 5th straight slalom

Postby deicreo » Thu Jan 18, 2018 4:05 am

Harald wrote:
...Look at Alexis Pinturault it has taken Head and their Team almost 4 years to get his boots working.

Harald, although Pinturault is in Head team he might not be skiing in Head boots this season. When you look closer you will see different then Head buckles and overall outlook does not match.
It is difficult to verify tough. Last season he was very fast in Head boots when he has won several gs runs in a row.
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Re: Hirscher wins 5th straight slalom

Postby h.harb » Thu Jan 18, 2018 1:11 pm

Pinturault is probably on the new Head race boot since Christmas. The boot is out and some guys are trying it. I'll see it and get a chance to ski it in Feb, I'll get a pair from Italy. Pintaurault's skiing and his set up has changed from even the Levi slalom. However keep in mind, now we have a 30m GS skis, and less space between the gates. Just like with Ted Ligety, when the GS turns go form big wide spaces to narrow tighter turns, they both are less likely to do well.
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Re: Hirscher wins 5th straight slalom

Postby h.harb » Thu Feb 01, 2018 7:17 pm

I've been watching all the slalom world cup races, 6 wins for Hirscher, incredible and beating Kristoffersen fair and square every time but one. The most impressive thing to me about Hirscher is he doesn't block the gate from the outside. He is so close to the pole, and stands so narrow, his body is almost totally on the inside of the pole. He doesn't have to reach or create a rotary movement to block. Even Kristofferson is a foot or more away from the pole. He blocks from the outside. The other major difference is the inside foot, Hirscher holds it back further and longer than any other skier on the world cup. Inside foot pull back, PMTS all the way.
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Re: Hirscher wins 5th straight slalom

Postby blackthorn » Thu Feb 01, 2018 8:39 pm

I really enjoyed your analysis Hirscher vv Kristoffersen on your blog site.

At one point you say that Hirscher is slightly inclined when to me it looks like he is very inclined as he should indeed be. Did you mean slightly "over inclined" and hence why you then talked about him still being in his CA range?
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Re: Hirscher wins 5th straight slalom

Postby h.harb » Fri Feb 02, 2018 1:11 pm

Hirscher is much more CA and Cb then any of the others. This gives him a huge advantage and super balance. Hirscher creates his angles much more with his legs and lower body then the rest of his competitors. Watching Kristoffersen this year, he's gone backward or stayed the same with his technique. He's too far from the gate, he leans in and drops his inside hand to achieve inclination and then doesn't bring his CB back when the load increases, he instead stiffens and straightens his outside leg. This will never be as fast as what Hirscher is doing.
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Re: Hirscher wins 5th straight slalom

Postby DougD » Fri Feb 02, 2018 2:34 pm

h.harb wrote:... [he] doesn't bring his CB back when the load increases, he instead stiffens and straightens his outside leg. This will never be as fa[s]t as what Hirscher is doing.

This is one thing (among zillions) that I've been working on in my skiing. As the load increases later in the turn, whether due to speed or steepness, I try to CB more, more, more and resist the temptation to push against it with the stance leg. Works great when I can do it (not that I'm any threat to Hirscher!)
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Re: Hirscher wins 5th straight slalom

Postby h.harb » Fri Feb 02, 2018 3:00 pm

Here is a detailed comparison of only a few aspects of Hirscher's skiing. Strangely enough they all fit into the PMTS's functional system.
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Re: Hirscher wins 5th straight slalom

Postby NoCleverName » Tue Feb 13, 2018 2:34 pm

That slalom run he won for the Olympic combined looked like it was run at Wildcat ... on a good day. :D
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