Short Turn Camp Prerequisite

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Short Turn Camp Prerequisite

Postby dgibbs » Tue Apr 06, 2021 9:27 am

My wife is a beginner to intermediate level skier. She can ski blue groomers as long as they aren't too narrow as she get's intimidated if she's forced to turn too quickly. She has no problem making short turns if the run is really wide, I know, it's odd.

My question is, can she participate in the short turn camp at A-Basin?
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Re: Short Turn Camp Prerequisite

Postby Erik » Tue Apr 06, 2021 2:25 pm

1. Purchase and watch the Quick, Short-Radius Turns e-video. The nominal instruction at the Short Turns Camp would be very similar to the learning progressions in this video. (And Super Phantom turns are also taught in the Blue/Dark Blue camp. The emphasis in the the Short Turns camp would be to make the movements quickly without losing form.)

2. Talk to Spark, since you posted that you have skied with him and he has seen her skiing close up. And correspond with Diana to get her take on it.

3. The camp description says "You must be comfortable on western blue and black groomed slopes to attend. Most time will be spent on groomed terrain." Many campers who come to the short turns camp are seeking better speed control on steeper terrain in shorter turns. (That doesn't mean that all the learning takes place on steeper terrain.) The first short turns camp is right after Thanksgiving, when there is not as much Green terrain open for practice. The second short turns camp in January, when more terrain is open, is the small group (more expensive) class. By January, there is more opportunity to take the learning that has been practiced on the groomers into some ungroomed steeper sections for a reality check on your progress.

4. In any one of the camps, skiers are given coaching that matches their movement ability. She would certainly learn improvements in her skiing in a Blue/Dark Blue camp that would benefit her ability to ski shorter turns. The Blue/Dark Blue camp is a great first PMTS camp experience, since there is Green and Blue terrain open for learning and practice. Don't feel that you would be settling for a lesser instructional experience in a Blue/Dark Blue camp.
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Re: Short Turn Camp Prerequisite

Postby skijim13 » Thu Apr 15, 2021 8:08 am

I do not recommend a short turn camp as your first PMTS camp. There is so much to learn first in PMTS before you move onto short turns. I recommend for a first camp a Dark Blue camp where the coaches will work on your skiing to make major improvements in your skiing and start your path in learning PMTS. I have been to eight camps and used to teach skiing and I am just starting to make improvements in my short turns. Without a high level of PMTS training it will be difficult to make PMTS short turns correctly.
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Re: Short Turn Camp Prerequisite

Postby RyanAllen » Fri Apr 16, 2021 6:21 am

Also consider the Welch Village PMTS camps. Would be a good venue for beginner/intermediate. Dress warm!
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