Better Ski Camera?

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Postby RadRab » Fri Oct 07, 2005 6:53 am

Thanks to you too Hobbit.
It worked!

Postby Max » Thu Oct 20, 2005 8:43 am

Does the S2 have much of a delay when taking stills? I need something that takes a picture when I press the button. My current cameras all have a bit of a lag.

no - very little lag

Postby John Mason » Thu Oct 20, 2005 1:00 pm in their review section measures and lists the lag for various cameras

The S2 has canon's digic II chip which cuts down the processing time from button press to shot to next to nothing.

Focus lock and time is another part of the 'delay' but you can pre-focus and elimnate that. But even that is quite fast on this camera.

My first digital point and shoot from a few years back had all sorts of lag. Most all of the new generation offerings from most all manufactureres are much better in this regard than they used to be.
John Mason
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Postby Mr. T » Thu Oct 20, 2005 2:50 pm

Did not have a chance to test it on the slopes yet. But I have been playing around with it. So far I am happy. No, the lag delay does not appear to be a problem. I am amazed by one thin: as I said I bought the camera with extra lenses (a zoom and a wide angle convertitors). I took a picture of an old picture of mine at 650mm equivalent. The skier on the original pic was 1/2 inch long, I made a pic with a skier taking half the size of the pic and the quality hardly suffered. When I got into the digital zoom (2x) to fill the full picture, of course, the quality suffered as to be expected, but the pic was still acceptable. I will continue testing, but until we get snow to ski it is hard to really try the camera on the field.
Mr. T
Posts: 104
Joined: Wed Oct 22, 2003 7:57 am
Location: California


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